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Plot so that the child eats well. The plot on the water. Plot from scab

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Many mothers complain of problems with the appetite of their children. What to do to these problems do not arise at all?

Rule 1. Never make a child eat something he doesn’t like

Children often have a dislike for any products. As a rule, this is a purely age-related phenomenon, and passes with age. But if the child is forced to eat what he does not like, then he may have a real phobia associated with this product. Sometimes it stays for life. To overcome the child’s dislike for the product with power means is not only useless, but also extremely harmful. Forcing a child to eat what he does not like, you not only reinforce the negative reflex, but also instill a persistent dislike for food in general. So often there is a problem of poor appetite.

Correctly act like this: exclude for a while from the diet that which does not please the child; and when the memory of this product will fade, you can sometimes, as if by chance, place it on a child. If the negative reflex to this product is unstable, then, having matured, it can begin to eat it, and if it is stable, then it can be for life. And nothing can be done about it. Humble yourself.

Rule 2. The process of eating itself should cause positive emotions in the child.

Of great importance is the situation in which breakfast, lunch or dinner takes place. Adults at this time need to forget about their problems and in every way show the child how pleasant it is for them to eat in such a good campaign and how everything is deliciously cooked. Try to smile at this time both to each other and to the child. He has to get used to the fact that when the family is at the table, then everything is fine in the family, and everyone loves each other.

If a child is bullshit, if you punish him, then you should not put him at the table at this time. Let him calm down first.

At the common table try not to constantly pull the child. Less pay attention to it, eat yourself with an appetite. Then, looking at the others, the child will start eating himself.

Pay attention to what kind of dishes the child likes to eat. Some children love only their plate, cup, spoon. Some children love children's dishes, while others like to pour in “adult” plates, like everyone else. You can buy baby plates with different patterns on the bottom and each time at lunch you can offer the child, after eating the whole soup, guess what pattern he got this time.

Rule 3. If possible, breakfast, lunch and dinner should be at the same time for the whole family at the same time.

Try to meet regularly at the table with the whole family. Of course, on weekdays it is difficult to do, but you need to strive for this. It is desirable that in the morning children get up at about the same time as adults, and that breakfast be common for the whole family. But if this is difficult, then on weekdays at least have dinner all together. On weekends, family breakfasts, lunches and dinners should become traditional.

Rule 4 The child should have a feeling of hunger before eating

The desire to eat is a natural feeling, and the child’s lack of appetite is unnatural. The latter most often occurs when the child is not hungry. Put yourself in the child's place: you are full, and you are forced to eat forcibly. How do you like it?

In order for a child to experience a feeling of hunger by the very moment when he is put at the table, it is necessary:
  a) strive to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time;
  b) to provide the child between meals with sufficient physical activity and walks;
  c) do not feed the child between meals with different goodies.

If a child eats badly, if he has a bad appetite, then item c) should become compulsory. Let him between meals as it should be hungry. And do not, in this case, give in to his requests to give something to eat until the appointed meal time comes. From my own experience I know that it is worth overcoming your pity for a child and enduring a character only a few times, as the problem of poor appetite disappears completely.

Rule 5. If the child has not finished his portion, do not scold him.

Quietly remove everything from the table and say that next time we will eat so much. And try to keep that promise. In the extreme case, if the child before the appointed time will strongly ask for food, you can give him some not satisfying fruits: an apple, a pear, an orange.

Rule 6. Do not give the child a lot of food at once.

This is often the case. The child was torn away from the game so that he would eat. In this case, he perceives food as an annoying hindrance that hinders the continuation of the game. And when a child sees in front of him a large portion that requires a lot of time, he naturally begins to be capricious.

Give the child a small portion first, wait for his appetite to develop, and get him to ask for a supplement. Request supplements should become familiar.

Rule 7. Food should be delicious and should look appetizing.

The implementation of these rules is fully within the reach of every parent. But their steady implementation will surely bring success, provided that both mom, and dad, and grandparents act in concert.

In order for your child to grow up healthy, strong and not sick, sometimes you need to perform ceremonies for health. It is best to conduct ceremonies and conspiracies on the health of the child while bathing the baby.

Preparing a bath for the baby, write on a piece of paper conspiracy-charm so that the child does not hurt. Sprinkle the leaf with a charm of holy water and pour it into the bath. Put a piece under the bath and bathe the baby.

Do this every time you bath, so that the health of the crumbs is always strong.

"Holy water, Queen of Heaven!
  Cleanse my child baby of god (name)
  From every filth of spirit and flesh.
  In the true mind, bring,
  Give health to his body
  And soul salvation.

When rinsing babies, say this:

“Vodichka is flowing, and baby grows up.
  Like a goose water, so with you thinness.
  Voditsa - to the bottom, and the child - to the top. "

Wiping the baby after bathing, sentence as follows:

"A diaper on a shoulder,
  And health - on the body. "

When pouring water out of the bath, always read the plot:

"Water - in the ground, the child - in growth."

How to protect a child from damage

While bathing, read the protective words from damage to the child.

“The angel flew across the sky, sat down on a small bush.
  Looks at the child, smiles.
  No one will attack a child, a dashing thief will steal, a witch will not spoil the damage.
  The angel watches the child, protects him from troubles and damage.

Water plot

There are very effective plots on the health of a child that a mother or grandmother of a baby can read. On the growing moon, take the holy key of water (suitable and thawed). You can also consecrate the water yourself by putting a silver cross into a liter jar of water for the night. At midnight, put the jar on the window sill so that the moon fills it with its light.

When dawn begins, go to the bank, cross over and read the prayers:

  • 3 times Our Father;
  • 3 times to St. Panteleimon.

Then read on the jar of water conspiracy on health:

“Voditsa is boiling so that my child could grow!
  As water does not hold onto a point;
  So the disease-sickness on the baby of God (name) does not hold.
  Redeem, cross!
  Lord, my child's baby (name)
  Save from disease!

Spray the baby with a spell of water completely, reading prayers. Part of the water needs to be poured into the bath when bathing, and the rest with some water to spray on clothes and a cot with a stroller. This conspiracy is not from the books of the Siberian healer, but it is very strong.

Conspiracy to recover a child

If the child is ill, and the cause of the disease is not known, a plot to remove the black eye and the child's recovery will help. Read the plot to recover the child three times on running clean water, each time spitting over his shoulder. Then wash the baby with this water and wipe it with your hem.

"What mother gave birth to
  That and departed. "

Bristle plot

It happens that after birth, the baby has a bristle on its back. In some cases, she is very worried about the baby and does not allow him to lie quietly on his back. To save the little one from suffering, roll the bread with the crumbs on the back.

Plot on the growth of the child

In the book of the Siberian healer there is a rite to adjust the growth of the child. After all, it happens that a child eats well, does not complain about health, but stops growing. Take the thread from the new coil and tear off, measuring the growth of the baby.

Then put this thread in the door jamb. The plot should not be read. Growth will soon improve.

Conspiracy if baby eats poorly

  • 3 glasses
  • 3 white candles

If the child has become bad to eat, often crying and acting up, you need to carry out ceremonies to correct the situation. First of all, you should repay it from the evil eye and make sure that there is no damage. And then conduct ceremonies and plots on the health of the child.

Take some water or hold a silver cross in plain water for 24 hours. Pour this water in three glasses and place them on a table in a row. Before each glass, install a candle. Light candles from one match, cross three times and read the prayers of our Father and Our Lady.

Then take the first candle and dip it in the water of the first glass. After that, read the prayers to St. Panteleimon and put out the second candle in the water. Next, read the plot on the baby and his health:

“Vodichka this for washing, wiping, bathing and lament.
  To the baby of God (name) grew strong and sculpted.
  He ate, grew up, did not know any troubles.
  So as not capricious, not sick, day by day, healthy.
I call this water healthy, I urge the child of perception, my power to communicate.
  As this water of the child touches, so all the good will be shed on him.

As you read the plot, put out the third candle in the third glass. Then wash the baby from the first glass and sprinkle it with water from the second glass. Add water from the third cup to the bath.

When you do this, read the prayers. Wrap the candles in a newspaper and on the same evening take them to a trash can on the street.

Plot from scab

From the diathesis, the face and ass of the baby can become covered with a scab, which he combs his fingers. Rites for recovery from the books of the Siberian healer will help to relieve the child from unbearable suffering. Put an icon of the Virgin and a cup of holy water on the table, light a church candle.

Read the prayers of the mother of God with all your heart, and then say this:

"Mother, the Mother of God,
  I beg you for my child to get up.
  Heal the servant of God's baby (name).
  In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Drink the baby with holy water and sprinkle his little body, as well as clothes and a cot. Do so until recovery occurs. Effective rituals of the Siberian healer helped many people in trouble and with ailments.


If the child has a squint, the mother should read prayers over the sleeping baby every night. After that, you need to say these words from the book of the Siberian healer:

"Jesus walked the earth
  Stomped on dew.
  Who says his name with faith,
  That that will ask what will come true.
  I ask you in faith, God,
  Help me too.
  Let my child not squint.

A conspiracy so that the eyes do not fester

In this case, there are ceremonies from the book of the Siberian healer. Let the eldest in the family take the baby in her arms, and the mother leads her little finger around the eye and whispers the words:

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost!
  Those virgins that were served to Jesus at the table,
  And his legs wiped his feet,
  Heal! Heal, virgins, the eyes of the baby of God (name).

Drive the right little finger, first around one eye, and then around the second. Before you conduct ceremonies with a request to God, our Father’s prayer is recited, and after the ceremony, a prayer of thanksgiving.

Rash Conspiracy

If the baby's body is covered with a small red rash, you need to read plots on the health of the child and carry out magical rituals and rituals. Speak the words to holy water and rub the baby’s body three times with a clean cloth dipped in it. After that, the rash will quickly pass.

“As the candle in the church quickly melts, so does the illness fade.
As Zoryushka comes to heaven, and then leaves,
  So you, sick, get away from the body of the baby of God (name).

Conspiracy for diarrhea

Rites and rituals from the books of the Siberian healer provided for almost all cases of ailments. As long as the child is abusive, the mother should not take off the headscarf. It is necessary to type in a glass of water, dip a fig made with the right hand into it and say three times:

"I treat a crap, I cure a disease,
  I speak with my own word.
  What was torn in the body of the slave of the baby of God (name),
  That and in place.

Then spray the baby with water.

Breastfeeding Conspiracy

If the baby has stopped taking the breast, then this trouble is corrected so. The mother decapsulates some milk into a silver spoon and says words to him:

"As a mother, the Most Holy Theotokos nursed her son,
  So you will suck my breast,
  Grow big and praise the Lord. ”

Plot from the urticaria

Plots on the health of the child also help from the urticaria. This disease is easy to bring to the rump. It is necessary to sew a small bag of red cloth, put small groats in it. Then shake the bag over the baby's head and say:

"A rash, red maetha,
  Dropped down, slide down from the servant of God's baby (name).

Remember that ceremonies and conspiracies to recover and get rid of diseases are read to the waning moon (so that the disease subsides). And ceremonies and conspiracies to attract and promote health read on the arriving moon (so that health is added).
  Prayers do not depend on the phase of the moon, they can be read at any time.

For any mother, tragedy when a child eats badly. I want to watch and enjoy a good appetite, and not force a naughty kid to eat with the help of toys, cartoons. When the usual ways do not work, try to resort to magical assistance. There are many conspiracies of mothers to help, which will return the child's appetite and make him eat well. Any of the above conspiracy should be read immediately before each meal.
  So a conspiracy for the child to eat well.
  Say on food and feed the baby. Good appetite is guaranteed!

“Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Baby (baby's name), feed on the words of God as a filling apple. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. ”

Food must cross.
  Another conspiracy for the child to eat well.
  Take two spoons and put them crosswise before eating, which you will feed the child. And say the words of the conspiracy.

“A little bit of water will run across Mother Earth, water the tree high, nourish the green grass, feed the thick mosses. Do not be trees and grasses dried, not be (name of the child) hungry. Let him eat everything that is on the table, let him not oppose any food. ”

Reading this plot food do not need to re-cross.

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Date: 12/01/2013 7:28:52

Tell me, please, what prayers exist, that an artificially fed baby should suck from a bottle better and eat with appetite, so that it can grow, gain weight and develop well.

Our dear reader, prayer is not some kind of magical conspiracy, pronouncing which immediately improves what we wanted. All prayers have the goal of turning to God, and even the saints we ask to plead with God for our requests. There are many prayers for children in the prayer books. You need to choose one or more prayers that will go to your soul and read them, asking God for help.

Do not forget about the daily evening and morning rule. The main thing in prayer is its constancy. But prayer does not in any way exclude medical assistance. If your child has any health problems, then you need to contact a competent doctor.