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Immunomodulators for humans Immune-stimulating drugs are inexpensive, yet effective, to name the most effective. Vitamin complexes and immunoglobulins

Immunomodulators are a series of natural or chemically synthesized approaches that provide a regulatory surge to the human immune system. Depending on the nature of this influx, immunostimulants and immunosuppressors appear.

The corrosive power of immunomodulators

Immunomodulatory drugs carry great harm to the body. The smell will significantly increase the effectiveness of treating a lot of illnesses. The body's health will increase after illness. However, the importance of immunomodulatory properties can be manifested again, only if they benefit from the individual characteristics of the body.

In other cases, their stagnation can have a reversal effect, giving the immune system a boost.

Indications and contraindications

The list of reasons for the lack of immunomodulators is long. The axis has only a few steps from them:

  • Immunomodulators should be used in the prevention of viral illnesses, colds (as people have a high vulnerability to them).
  • Immunomodulators can be included in a complex of therapeutic agents for the treatment of various infections. The stench may become congested due to the evidence of acute and chronic forms of illness.
  • Immunomodulators may be used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs are used for oncological illnesses.
  • Immunomodulators are effective when treating sechostate diseases, liver disease, for example, hepatitis.

In this case, immunomodulators are contraindicated until they become frozen. It is always impossible to determine whether the patient has an autoimmune illness (for example, diabetic diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, primary glomerulonephritis, multiple sclerosis, and other forms of bronchial asthma).

If, due to the presence of such illnesses, the patient will independently, without the doctor’s caution, take immunomodulatory medications, then the illnesses can go into the acute stage without passing on the results.

Immunomodulators are responsible for being present in the warehouse of a complex of drugs, taken from the first days of treatment, and monitoring immunological studies of blood and sections. Okremo can be stagnated in the final stage of illness, for the rehabilitation of the body.

Immunomodulators: list of drugs

A drug that may exhibit immunostimulating effects. Denmark will become stagnant when treated with illness, which is accompanied by a secondary immunodeficiency (various infectious illnesses of the upper respiratory tract, purulent illnesses of the skin, etc.).

This drug is contraindicated for use in women during lactation and gestation. Also, it cannot be attributed to increased body temperature. The drug is suitable for use by children under one roof.

This drug has antiviral properties. It causes intense synthesis of interferon in the body. This drug is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system (HRV, GRZ, influenza).

There are no contraindications for stagnation during pregnancy and lactation, childhood (up to 3 years), lactose intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

An antiviral drug that has a moderate immunomodulatory function. This is recommended for the treatment of prolonged viral illnesses of the upper respiratory tract (GRV, GRZ, influenza, viral bronchitis, pneumonia). Not recommended for use in children up to three years of age, or in women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This drug is similar to the previous drug. It is also used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, the drug has an antiproliferative and protective effect, and is therefore used for curative infections of organs, PVSS, VIL, hepatitis A, B, etc. There are no permissions for stagnation during pregnancy and lactation. The form of the ointment can be used by children at the same time.

This drug stimulates the activation of cellular and humoral immunity (stimulating the activity of T-and B-lymphocytes). Stagnation occurs during the treatment of vulgaris of the collus and 12-fingered intestine, cardiac ischemia, tuberculosis, acute or chronic inflammatory diseases. We can’t get involved with lucrative and profitable women. Children from 2 years of age may be stuck with the injection form.

Antiviral drug of homeopathic nature. It is very effective when used for the treatment and prevention of HRV, acute respiratory illnesses, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia.

In addition, this substance can be used in a complex of drugs for the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. You can also become pregnant and pregnant women, children (in the form of “children’s anaferon”).

Immunomodulator-synthesizer for interferon. Vikorist is used for the treatment of viral hepatitis A, B and C in acute and chronic form, illness from respiratory diseases, infections of state organs, and PSS. The drug can be administered to children over 7 years of age. Strictly contraindications for pregnant women and women who are pregnant.

The drug, which provides a mild immunomodulatory effect, is based on the enhanced production of interferon. In small doses, prophylactic use of the drug allows you to suppress the development of viral diseases during the epidemic, reduces the proliferation of endorphins, interleukines and phagocytes.

An immunostimulating drug that has an antiviral effect in treating influenza and herpes. Vikorist is used to prevent respiratory illnesses. You can get involved with pregnant and profitable wives and children from four births.

The therapeutic effect is achieved with a course of treatment.

Immunomodulator-activator of interferon synthesis. Available in a wide range of direct products. Vikorist is used as an anti-inflammatory drug and in the treatment of viral diseases of the respiratory system.
Contraindications for use in pregnant women and women who are one year old, children up to four years of age.

Roslin immunomodulators

Russian immunomodulators are comparable to natural drugs. The stench can be detected as a warehouse complex of rivers (razes, infusions, collections), and okremo.

The herbs from which immunomodulatory drugs are prepared are found almost everywhere. The same thing, droplet, chicory, honeydew, horseweed, seaweed, seaweed, lemongrass - all of them smell like immunomodulators and belong to a wide range of medicinal products.

The stench is even more universal. Preventive use of these medications can reduce the risk of various illnesses. However, in any case, they can only be excluded after consultation with doctors, since the skin treatment may have its own contraindications.

Mozhliva Skoda

Immunomodulators will be harmful if we treat patients independently, without the order of a doctor. It is not possible to disrupt the dosing of drugs, disrupt the prescribed treatment regimen - all this will have a negative effect on treatment with immunomodulators.

All the theoretical harm that can be caused by using one or another immunomodulator, all the side effects - everything can be found out by reading the instructions from the doctor, and by consulting with your doctor.

Do not overly stagnate immunomodulators in children. For all immunomodulators that may weaken natural immune potential.

Immunomodulators, by their principle of action, interact in other ways with the natural processes of the body. For a variety of reasons, uncontrolled use of immune-modulating properties can give the body ill health and lead to a weakening of the immune system. In other words, it’s not easy to just highlight immunomodulatory features. It is their duty to help with treatment and prevention of illness, and not to suppress the immune system for the first sign of a cold.

- a unique drying mechanism of the human body, which is capable of detecting and causing danger to the health of foreign speech. Sometimes the system begins to malfunction and requires adjustments. Here, special drugs – immunomodulators – can provide invaluable assistance.

Photo 1. Regardless of the availability of immunomodulators, they must be taken with caution. Dzherelo: Flickr (UI Health Photography).

What are immunomodulators?

Immunomodulators are included in a large group of medicinal products, which in one way or another affect a person’s immune system. This is a hidden name for people who may be affected by the immune system. All immunomodulators are usually divided into the following categories:

  • Immunostimulants. They trigger the mechanisms of vibration of molecular molecules, which will provide protection to the body.
  • Immunocorectory. Infuse the immune system into the singing plots, normalizing their work.
  • Immunosuppressant. These products suppress the human immune system. This may be necessary for patients whose overly active immunity begins to cause harm to the body.
  • Vlasna immunomodulators. Respect instead of immunocompetent cells. Move or reduce its activity individually, improving the functioning of the entire immune system.

— for adults and children there are medicinal methods that alleviate the imbalance of various layers of the immune system. Also, the action of these drugs may directly normalize immune function, then. for decreased movement and decreased performance.

The Russian Federation has effective actions immunomodulators-registered as immunostimulants, including rosemary. It is important that the stagnation of these drugs leads to an increase in immune function, but this is not entirely true, as the remaining immune function under the influx of such agents do not exceed the physiological norm. In connection with the sayings, it is more correct to use the term immunomodulators.

In this section, we report on the description of different species. Immunomodulators, which, according to their nature, can be divided into three great groups: exogenous, endogenous and synthetic.

Exogenous immunomodulators (bacterial and algae)

Among the exogenous immune modulators there are bacterial and herbal preparations.

Bacterial immunomodulators

The most popular drugs of this group are: “Imudon”, “IRS 19”, “broncho-munal”, “ribomunil”.

Main evidence: chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis.

Contraindications: allergies to paints, acute stage of upper respiratory tract infection, autoimmune diseases, VIL infection.

Side effects: The medications are well tolerated, allergic reactions, fatigue, and carryover are rarely encountered.

Roslin immunomodulators

The most popular drugs of this group are: “Imunal”, “Echinacea Vilar”, “Echinacea compositum CH”, “Echinacea liquidum”.

Main evidence: prevention of GRV.

Contraindications: allergies to milk, tuberculosis, leukemia, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, allergic reactions to eggplant.

Side effects: The drugs are well tolerated, allergic reactions (Quincke's lesion), skin irritation, bronchospasm, and decreased arterial pressure are rarely observed.

Endogenous immunomodulators

Endogenous immunomodulators can be divided into the following groups: drugs detected from the thymus and bone marrow, cytokines (interleukins, interferons and interferon inducers) and nucleic acid preparations.
drugs seen in the thymus and cystic cerebellum.

Medicinal agents derived from the tissue of the thymus (organ of the immune system) are: “tactivin”, “thymalin”, “timoptin”; from the cerebrospinal fluid – “myelopid”.

Main evidence:

  • for drugs against the thymus - immunodeficiency with important effects of the T-cell immune system, which develops in purulent and swollen illnesses, tuberculosis, psoriasis, ophthalmic herpes;
  • for drugs for cerebrovascular disease – immunodeficiency with important effects on the humoral immune system; purulent illnesses, in the warehouse of complex therapy of leukemia and chronic infectious illnesses.

Contraindications: for drugs against the thymus – allergies to skin, vaginosis.
for drugs for the cerebrospinal fluid – allergy to blood vessels, pregnancy due to Rhesus conflict.

Side effects: for drugs against the thymus – allergic reactions.
for drugs from the cerebrospinal fluid – pain at the site of administration, confusion, fatigue, increased body temperature.
cytokines - interleukins: natural (“superlymph”) and recombinant (“betaleukin”, “roncoleukin”)

Main evidence: for natural cytokines – cleaning wounds and trophic infections.
for recombinant cytokines: “roncoleukin” - purulent illnesses, malignant swellings; "betaleukin" - leukopenia (reduced number of blood leukocytes).

Contraindications: for natural cytokines - eye allergies, thrombocytopenia, nitric and hepatic insufficiency, epilepsy.
for recombinant cytokines: “roncoleukin” - allergy to the eye, vaginosis, autoimmune disease, heart disease; "betaleukin" - allergies to skin, septic shock, high fever, vaginosis.
Side effects: for natural cytokines – delayed ignition (short hours)
for recombinant cytokines – chills, increased body temperature, allergic reactions.

cytokines - interferons: this class of immunomodulators is very large, including interferons of three types (alpha, beta, gamma); depending on their nature, interferons are divided into natural and recombinant. The most common form of administration is injection, followed by other forms of release: suppositories, gels, ointments.
Main evidence: It varies depending on the type of interferon. Interferons are used in the treatment of viral diseases, swollen diseases and induces multiple sclerosis. In some cases of illness, the effectiveness of interferons has been demonstrated without any trace, while in others there is little evidence of successful treatment.

Contraindications: allergies to the lungs, severe autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, diseases of the central nervous system, severe liver diseases, vagusity, children's eyelids.

Side effects: Interferons may vary depending on the severity and frequency of unexpected drug reactions that may be affected by the drug. In general, interferons (injective forms) are not well tolerated and may be accompanied by influenza-like syndrome, allergic reactions, and other undesirable drug effects.

Cytokines are interferon inducers: these are a class of immunomodulators that stimulate the production of interferons in our bodies. Create forms of liquids for soaking, with options for external hardening, and injective forms. Trade names of interferon inducers: “cycloferon”, “aloferon”, “napivdan”, “tiloron”, “neovir”, “megosin”, “ridostin”.

Main evidence: treatment of chronic viral infections at the complex therapy warehouse

Contraindications: allergies to skin, vaginity, breastfeeding, childhood age (up to 4 years).

Side effects: allergic reactions.
nucleic acid preparations: “ridostin” and “derinat”.
Main evidence: secondary immunodeficiencies, which are manifested by viral and bacterial infections.

Contraindications: allergies to skin, vaginity, breastfeeding, childhood age (up to 7 years), myocardial illness, severe liver failure.
Side effects: allergic reactions; Increase in body temperature.

Immunomodulators and synthetic drugs

This group of immunomodulators is represented by different medicinal substances due to their chemical structure, the connection with which the skin drug has its own peculiarities in the mechanism of action, tolerance and unwanted effects. This group includes: “isoprinazine”, “galavit”, “gepon”, “glutoxim”, “polyoxidonium”, “imunofan”, “thymogen”, “lycopid”.

Main indications: secondary immunodeficiencies associated with chronic viral and bacterial infections.

Contraindications: skin allergies, vaginity, breastfeeding. “Isoprinasine” is also contraindicated in case of fever, acute illness, chronic nickel deficiency and arrhythmias.

Side effects: allergic reactions, pain at the injection site (for injectable drugs), acute gout (isoprinazine), etc.


Internal immunoglobulins are medicinal drugs, such as dry blood proteins, that protect us from bacteria, viruses, fungi and other foreign microorganisms.

There are immunoglobulins (antibodies) directed against some foreign particle (antigen), in this case these antibodies are usually called monoclonal (that is, they are all the same clone), as immunoglobulins (antibodies) la) direct against many foreign particles, they are called polyclonal, themselves such polyclonal antibodies and internal immunoglobulins. Monoclonal antibodies are the medicine of the 21st century, which can effectively fight against various swellings and autoimmune diseases. However, polyclonal antibodies are also more colorful, because They are successful in treating various ailments. Internal immunoglobulins, as a rule, are composed mainly of immunoglobulins G, and therefore internal immunoglobulins are also rich in immunoglobulins M (“pentaglobin”).

The main internal immunoglobulins registered in the Russian Federation include: “intraglobin”, “octagam”, “humaglobin”, “cytotect”, “pentaglobin”, “gamin-N” and others.

Main evidence: primary immunodeficiencies associated with insufficient synthesis of immunoglobulins, important bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases (Kawasaki disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, systemic vasculitis etc.), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura etc.

Contraindications: allergic reactions to internal immunoglobulins.
Side effects: allergic reactions, increased or decreased arterial pressure, increased body temperature, fatigue, etc. With extensive infusion, many patients tolerate the drugs well.

The power of immunostimulants can be caused by various substances and chemical substances.

First of all, microbial activity, mainly bacterial and fungal, as well as their synthetic and non-synthetic analogues.

Another subgroup of immunostimulants is treated with animal preparations. As you already know, the thymus gland (thymus), cerebellum, and spleen are carried to the organs of the immune system and contain biologically active substances, which exert a regulatory action on them. Therefore, extracts taken from these organs have the same effect and may have an immunomodulatory effect. The drug also activates immune processes Derinat, this is the juice of some kind of extract from the milk of sturgeon fish.

The third and currently rapidly developing subgroup of immunostimulants is cytokines Those drugs that stimulate their synthesis in the body. Cytokines are produced by the cells of the immune system and with their help the cells exchange information and coordinate their work. The most prominent cytokines are Interferoni , interleukines , colony-stimulating factors . Stinks are natural regulators of the process of forming immunity, anti-tumor zocrem. They have achieved great success with the advancement of genetic engineering technologies, which make it possible to produce a large number of these endogenous substances.

Drugs that stimulate the biosynthesis of interferons (interferon inducers) are still a new and promising area of ​​immunotherapy.

New ideas are being synthesized that may have implications for the immune system, and the immune-stimulating power of drugs, which have long been stagnant in medical practice, is being revealed.

Many herbal (echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus and others) and biogenic (mumiyo, propolis and others) drugs (for example, Milife , Tonsilgon ® N , Echinacea Hexal). These properties, as well as vitamins and microelements (especially zinc, magnesium, selenium) are often found in the so-called group adaptogens These are features that help the body cope with unpleasant factors that stimulate its defense against excess fluids, stress, mental stress and physical demands. These words and complexes invade a number of human organs (including the supraneural gland, the thymus gland) and promote new and normalization of the activity of the immune system. Nowadays, there are more biologically active food additives to replace adaptogens, which expand the possibilities of complex therapy for immunodeficiency conditions.

Below are some drugs that may have an immune-stimulating effect. More detailed information about them can be found on the website.

[Trade name(Warehouse or characteristics) Pharmacological action medicinal forms company]

Avonex(interferon beta-1a) antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative por.liof.d/in. Schering-Plough(USA)

Amiksin(tilorone) table p.o. MeisterLEK(Russia), produced by: Dalkhimpharm (Russia)

Amiksin tablets 0.125 g(tilorone) antiviral, immunomodulatory table p.o. MeisterLEK

Apollo IV immunomodulatory, antioxidant, radioprotective, which renews the deficiency of amino acids, renews the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, renews the deficiency of proteins, fats and carbohydrates table Trinitu NVP(Russia)

Arbidol-LENS(Arbidol) antiviral, immune-stimulating table p.o. MeisterLEK(Russia), manufactured by: LENS-pharm (Russia)

Atlant-Iva(zasib roslinnogo hike) Immunomodulatory, antiaggregation, antioxidant, which corrects the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which corrects the deficiency of proteins, fats and carbohydrates table Trinitu NVP(Russia)

Betaferon(interferon beta-1b) immunomodulatory por.liof.d/in. Schering(Nimechchina)

Bifidumbacterin pir. to live in the middle Partner(Russia)

Bifidumbacterin forte(Immunobiological sample) which normalizes intestinal microflora, immunomodulatory pir. to live in the middle Partner(Russia)

Broncho-munal(Immunobiological sample) immunomodulatory caps. Lek(Slovenia)

Broncho-munal P(Immunobiological sample) immunomodulatory caps. Lek(Slovenia)

Wobe-mugos E(papain + trypsin + chymotrypsin) Immunomodulatory, fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aggregation table p.o.rozchin./intestinal Mucos Pharma(Nimechchina)

Wobenzym(polyenzyme drug) Immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic, anti-aggregation table p.o.rozchin./intestinal Mucos Pharma(Nimechchina)

Glutoxim(Glutoxim) immunomodulatory, hematopoietic, hepatoprotective solution d/in. PHARMA FOR YOU(Russia)

Gripferon(interferon alpha) antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial drops of sound Fern M(Russia)

Groprinosin(inosine pranobex) Immunostimulating, antiviral table Grodziskie Zaklady Farmaceutyczne “Polfa”(Poland)

Deoxynate(sodium deoxyribonucleate) leukopoetic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerative, immune stimulating solution d/in.; rr call. Pharmzakhist NVC(Russia)

Derinat(sodium deoxyribonucleate) improves myocardial hemorrhage and lower ends, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, wound healing, immunomodulatory, hematopoietic solution d/in.; rr call. Technomedservice(Russia)

Dr. Theiss treats the flu(homeopathic remedy) immunomodulatory drops for taking internally Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Nimechchina)

Dr. Theiss Echinacea tincture(echinacea extract) immune-stimulating infusion Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Nimechchina)

Dr. Theiss Echinacea extract(menthol + echinacea extract) antiseptic, immunostimulating table d/rass. Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Nimechchina)

Isoprinosine(inosine pranobex) immunomodulatory, antiviral table Biogal(Ugorshchina)

Immunal(Echinacea sik) immune-stimulating drops for baiting; table Lek(Slovenia)

Immunorm(Echinacea sik) immune-stimulating Rozchin for taking in the middle; table ratiopharm(Nimechchina)

Imudon(Immunobiological sample) immune-stimulating table d/rass. Solvay Pharmaceuticals

Imunofan(Immunobiological sample) immunostimulating, detoxifying, hepatoprotective, antioxidant solution d/in. Bionox(Russia)

Influcid(homeopathic remedy) Immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, hydric Rozchin for taking in the middle; table d/rass. DHU/Dr. Willmar Schwabe(Nimechchina)

IRS 19(Immunobiological sample) immune-stimulating Solvay Pharmaceuticals(Nimechchina), manufactured by: Solvay Pharma (France)

Yodantipirin tablets 0.1 g(iodanthipyrine) antiviral, antifungal, immunomodulatory table Asfarma(Russia)

Krapli Beresh Plus(mineral speech) Immunomodulatory, antihaltal tonic, which replenishes the deficiency of microelements and macroelements drops for taking internally Beres(Ugorshchina)

Copaxone-Teva(glatiramer acetate) immunomodulatory por.liof.d/in. Teva(Israel)

Lykopid(Immunobiological sample) immunomodulatory table Peptek(Russia)

Marina(zasib roslinnogo hike) antioxidant, which compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements table Trinitu NVP(Russia)

Milife(fungus fusarium biomasa) analgesic, adaptogenic, regenerative, detoxifying, immunomodulatory subs.; table DIZHA(Russia)

Molixan hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory, antiviral solution d/in. PHARMA FOR YOU(Russia)

Neovir(Credanimod) antiviral, antibacterial, immune stimulating solution d/in. Pharmsintez ZAT(Russia)

Pantohematogen "Altamar N 1" caps.; table Altamar(Russia)

Pantohematogen "Altamar N 2"(zasib of the creature's journey) Immunostimulating, adaptogenic caps.; table Altamar(Russia)

Pantohematogen "Altamar N 3"(zasib of the creature's journey) Immunostimulating, adaptogenic caps.; table Altamar(Russia)

Pantohematogen "Altamar N 4"(zasib of the creature's journey) Immunostimulating, adaptogenic caps.; table Altamar(Russia)

Petilam(zasib roslinnogo hike) antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, which replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals table Trinitu NVP(Russia)

Polyoxidonium(polyoxidonium) immunomodulatory Supt.Rect. Immapharma(Russia)

Polyoxidonium for injection(polyoxidonium) immunomodulatory, detoxifying por.liof.d/in. Immapharma(Russia)

A large group of people can use this method to differentiate nature – natural, synthetic and genetically modified. Immunostimulants need to be combined with adaptogens (improving not resistance, but the body’s compliance with external factors) and immunomodulators (promoting the activity of other immune systems).

Immunostimulant drugs. TOP 15 rating

Its number exceeds a hundred and continues to grow. It’s great that science praises the natural immunostimulants discovered by folk healers. In fact, both the immunologist and the rural government can name two important criteria when choosing them:

  • their care was the result;
  • The number of allergic reactions due to its intake.


Most people rely on natural immunostimulants to be the safest and most suitable for children. In fact, it takes longer to notice the effect of them, and the stench won’t be as strong as ever.

“Mixes” of animals, plants and mineral bases are not ideal, but would like to give a stable increase in resistance.

Elixir HEALTHY for immunity

One of the most common anti-inflammatory drugs based on oil extracts, which can be added to a large number of immunostimulants. The list of apielixir ingredients also includes sea buckthorn and cedar with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic powers.

And it’s also supplemented with cedar resin (it’s not uncommon for the resin to have thickened) and aqueous extract of milk thistle - cut-and-cut rosemary. Take 1 small spoon per wound, directly on the heart ("additional" skin pack), no more than 10 days after sleep. A standard bottle with a volume of 30 ml costs 990 rubles.

Mega Immunity

These include a significantly larger set of immune-stimulating natural bases:


These natural drops need to be drunk 10 times, even served in a non-hot bowl, 5 or 10 days after sleep. Under the name Mega Immunity, they are also sold for 990 rubles, and the bottle contains only 10 ml.


Another addition of strong drops created by mixing:

  • 20 algae elements, among which the greatest interest is the cordyceps mushroom and brown algae extract (jerelo iodine for “land-dwelling” giants);
  • 2 immunostimulants “from the vulik” in the form of propolis and beebread;
  • 2 “representatives” of the animal kingdom – the musk of the beaver and the pelvic fat of the boarbug;
  • minerals include “2 in 1” - oil extract of magnesium-aluminum galloons.

The drug is indicated for use for 1 month, 20 drops at a time, two per dose, for other purposes. The wine is sold in 10 ml bottles at a price of 990 rubles.


These drops from the front reveal the simplest and most exotic warehouse - extracts of 6 herbs that grow in the mountains of Tibet. Among them there are 2 plants with a cytostatic effect, which is quite predictable for the manifestation of malignant tumors (their appearance in the remaining dozen of cases is due to insufficient activity of lymphocytes). The stinks are called:

  • jam-bray;
  • nyє-shing;
  • go-je;
  • zha-gan-ba
  • pho-rig-mig;
  • zhu-ru-ra.

The traditions of honoring the Distant Gathering cannot be divided into scientific and alternative ones. And the inhabitants of the high altitude region are very similar to Tibet. The fact of their health and longevity (half of the longevity records in the world belong to the Chinese of Tibet) speaks of their effectiveness.

Droplets are taken in 5-8 pieces each, morning and evening, for a very large variety of fish. The minimum dose for the course is 10 dB, the maximum is 30. A bottle of 10 ml of koshti is priced at 990 rubles.


Stimulants of the immune system are vibrated by laboratory means. Recombinant interferon and insulin are no longer visible from biological sources in animals and humans.

Now they are created by genetically modified bacteria. And immunoglobulins, lymphocytes, leukocytes, as before, can be found in humans (even if they are identical).


This substance is called meglumen acridone acetate and is metabolized into acridonucic acid - accelerating the production of interferons by cells. The main problem of immune bodies lies in their inability to penetrate cell membranes. This ability is lacking in lymphocytes, but they deal with weakened cells due to any defects, and not their protection.

The significance of the click immunity is limited by the interferon. Cells synthesize them in large quantities, releasing some of them to the vast majority of the world and from existing biological sources. Interferons are effective against viruses and can memorize them, forming local immunity. “Cycloferon” stimulates its production in all types of cells, which promotes resistance. Yogo is credited:

  • adults and children aged 4 years and older;
  • 1 time per day;
  • 10 days

For children 4-6 years old, the dose is 150 mg, for children 7 to 12 years old – 450 mg, and further, including adults – 600 mg. This “leaf” for 10 tablets costs about 190 rubles, Injection ampoules (5 pcs.) - Between 340 rubles.


With one-word speech as the basis. Its buds were crushed and vicorized as a remedy for worms, and the power of the immunostimulant was revealed only later. The mechanism by which levamisole enhances the resistance is not yet clear. It has already been proven that treatment of helminthiases leads to the activation of macrophages and one of the 3 types of lymphocytes - T-cells.

"Levamizole" is only used by veterinarians. For people, this is based on the trade name “Dekaris”. Adults are prescribed 150 mg. Dosage for children should be kept in mind:

  • 3-6 days – 25 to 50 mg;
  • h 6 to 10 - 50-75 mg;
  • 10-14 - 75-100 mg.

Take the drug only once. After 1-2 years you can repeat this technique. Your offer starts at 62 rubles.


With a single word - a stimulant:

  • activity of T-lymphocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils;
  • vibration of immunoglobulins, interferons and interleukines.

It also exhibits antiviral properties that suppress the replication of its own RNA in cells. "Isoprinosine" is prescribed for children over 3 years of age and beyond the dose of 50 mg of the active substance per skin kilogram of the vagina. Take the full dose and divide it into 3-4 doses. The course lasts until symptoms of illness disappear, plus another 2 days, or no more than 1 month. Prices for the new “start” are 540 rubles.


The products are based on azoximer bromide (synthetic polymer), which stabilizes and “strengthens” the molecular structure of cellular membranes, making them less penetrable for the body. It also enhances the activity of phagocytes, lymphocytes and interferons, which may have a detoxification effect.

Zastosuvannya "" is allowed with a break (in'ektsіyna form). Tablets are prescribed for children over 6 years of age and older groups, 2 per day, per 30 years. before going, course 10-15 days. In case of HIV/AIDS, cancer (and after treatment) the cure may be considered as a primary course. Lyophilisate (the basis for injectable injection) costs approximately 1240 rubles, and 10 tablets - approximately 750 rubles. "Polyoxidonium" in the form of rectal suppositories will cost 1035-1050 rubles. for 10 supp.


It is prepared from the uranium of tilorone dihydrochloride, a low-molecular synthetic compound found in CPSR. It is possible to stimulate the production of interferons in cells, which does not yet accurately assess the anti-tumor and reliable anti-inflammatory effect.

Stop drinking after you go. To prevent immunodeficiency, children and adults should be given 125 mg of Amiksin once every 7 days. The Zagalny course lasts 6 days. For therapeutic purposes, this is called the following average scheme:

  • 125 mg per doba;
  • first 2 please accept and go to sleep;
  • then - every other day;
  • behind the schedule 1 time in 48 years. you need to take 4 more tablets.


Natural stimulants of the immune system can also be of mineral or animal origin, but the middle ones are more often used instead of others - due to maximum availability and ease of preparation, including self-administration.


A widely distributed immunostimulant that reaches cacti and has a sharply bitter taste. This power has been scientifically confirmed. However, carcinogenic properties have recently been discovered in the bitter alkaloid aloin. When taken internally, it accelerates the growth and renewal of harmful cells in the mucous membrane of the pouch/intestine on a par with healthy ones. The result of this trivial intake may be polyposis (precancerous growth) and colon/colon cancer.

For this reason, when preparing homemade preparations, it is important to carefully cut the skin, vikory and pulp from the leaves (the skin contains up to 80% aloin). Or better yet, buy it in a pharmacy and administer the extract directly, at the warehouse of an injectable drug (sic plus aqueous solution of sodium chloride in 1 ml ampoules).

Children aged 3 to 5 years old should be given 0.2-0.3 ml of the solution, children aged 5 to 16 years - 0.5 ml daily. For older adults, 1 ml per dose is recommended. The course runs every month and is repeated. 10 ampoules of aloe extract cost 130-140 rubles.

Aralia Manchurian (high)

It is rich in a large number of extremely toxic components, potent substances - alkaloids, flavonoids and tannic acids. Aralia is a medicinal plant, although official medicine treats it as a stimulant of the central nervous system, blood flow and arterial pressure.

Alcohol tincture (forteca – 70%) of Manchurian aralia can be bought at the pharmacy in 25 or 50 ml. They are prescribed from 12 rocks and adults, 30-40 drops, two per serving, after urchins, with a broken appearance, for 15-30 days. Children's cream (through a citrus alcohol base) does not combine with caffeine, ephedrine, guarana extract, other central nervous system stimulants (through a similar action) and hypertension.

Rhodiola rozheva

Vidoma is also like “golden root”. This is a far-reaching medicinal plant with a similar (aligned with high aralia) tonic effect on the central nervous and circulatory system. It is heavily infused with tanning agents – indirect coagulants and strong antiseptics.

Pharmacy extract of Rhodia erysipelas with a base of 40% alcohol and contraindications up to 12 days. Take it a day before eating, 5-10 drops, three times a day, not more than 2 months. The cost of the drug is in the range of 50 rubles. It does not interfere with psychostimulants, neuroleptics, or other tonics.

Echinacea purpurea

To stay up to the medicinal plants, but in Western Europe, the immune-boosting and anti-virus authorities have been repeatedly called into question. Rich in tannins, bioflavonoids, grub acids, including , and a number of microelements (from 6 to 10, stored in soil).

This infusion with 40-60% alcohol or lozenges for reconstitution should be taken at least 12 years of age, 2.5 ml, 3 times a day, in a course of 7 to 45 days. However, it is not recommended for breastfeeding, cancer of any localization, HIV/AIDS, or any autoimmune pathologies. Prices for it start at 130 rubles, but can also reach as low as 200 rubles. per bottle (keep in volume).

Eleutherococcus senticosus

Likarska Roslina in the evening of the Russian Federation and China. Science recognizes behind it a clearly expressed energizing, tonic effect. On this basis they prepare “Vitchiznyana Cola” - the name “Baikal”.

Extract (50 ml, base alcohol 40%) for indications older than 12 days, 20-30 drops, 1 time per dose, not more than 30 dB. This course is not suitable for infusions of tonic infusions, insomnia, hypertension, hypoglycemia, vaginess and lactation. From the looks of it, the price is one iz (55-60 rubles for 50 ml).

The strongest

The idea that immunostimulant drugs are the strongest is somewhat subjective. From the point of view of medicine, stimulants to the synthesis of any immune bodies in the body do not always contribute to the causes of immunodeficiency. And often the shortest way to support protection is to introduce such bodies/proteins - so as not to expose the mechanism that has already been identified or the organ.


This is where you can replace recombinant (genetically modified) interferons, which exactly replicate human ones. It is better to introduce any available route bypassing the Schulka (this organ is poisoned by any protein). Use injections, topical applications, spray/ointment/gel or rectal suppositories.

To prevent this disease, use a minimally dosed dose of the drug approximately once a day, in courses ranging from 2 days to a month. And the specific schedule of decommissioning should remain in the completed form. You can buy ointment for 70-100 rubles, gel - bits are more expensive (close to 120 rubles). Due to their reliability, the price will be at least 290 rubles. for 10 od.


And similar to Viferon, I think I’m planning a drug to replace immunoglobulins with interferons. These proteins fight on viruses and bacteria (and immunoglobulins – only viruses), and develop resistance to them. It is administered subcutaneously, with a dose of 50 mg per 1 m2 of body surface three times a day, for a period of up to 3 months. It is not contraindicated for pregnant women and children until their first birthday. You can get a prescription for about 500 rubles.


It is not proteins and bodies that are removed, but interleukins – information molecules (cytokines) produced by immune agents. They take an active part in all stages of recognition, attack, burial and destruction of creatures of various types, as well as abnormal and malicious cells.

"Aldesleukin" should be administered subcutaneously or internally. In the first episode:

  • 18 million MO each;
  • 5 d_b pospol;
  • 1 time per dose.

Then there will be a 2-day break, and then 3 days will begin. It’s best to administer a larger dose - on Mondays. and Tue., plus 9 million MO (half the dose) - at the time, Thu. that point. At Sat. i Sun. do not enter anything.

With the help of a dropper, the drug should be taken separately with 0.1% albumin, 5 days, at a dose of 1 mg per skin m 2 of the body surface area. Then take a break for the day and repeat the course. The powder for preparing wine from it costs about 20 thousand. rub.


As with all the other methods, they contain thymus extracts from wild animals - amino acids tryptophan and arginine, which are necessary for the growth and activation of tissues in humans. its synthesis of lymphocytes. These bodies cannot fight off infections. Prote stinks are detected and infested or formed with hydrated cells throughout the body to provide protection against cancer.

“Timogen” is produced as a spray for the nasopharynx, ampoules for internal ulcer injections or as a cream for. For prevention, it is recommended to take the drug once a day for up to 10 days after sleep. In 365 days it is allowed to conduct no more than 4 courses:

  • Children from 0.5 to 1 age are prescribed no more than 10 mcg per dose;
  • before 3 days of age, the dosage norm should be 10–20 mcg;
  • up to 6 days - no more than 30 mcg/day;
  • up to 15 days - maximum 50 mcg of "Timogen" per dose;
  • Dali – 100 mcg per dose.

The cream costs approximately 225-240 rubles, the Spray costs 248 rubles, and the injectable solution in ampoules starts at 290 rubles. for 10 approx.


This immune-stimulating effect of thinking is clearly alien and complex. is created by the rocky remains of weeds, lumps and creatures that have accumulated in the crevices of the stone. Wine is natural at its base, but is also rich in minerals (including the entire periodic table, in addition to radioactive isotopes and gases). The immune defense removes from it the components necessary for the robot, and the “drive” for it is a non-food speech that it uses with its “suspicious look”.

Mumiye should be taken in the evening, preferably 0.2-0.3 g (on the tip of a knife), diluted in 1 tbsp. l. , water, fresh juice and for 1 month. Yogo packaging for 50 g is priced at 120 rubles. and a little more.

Stimulants for children: which ones to choose?

Synthetic drugs, especially of the mixed type, such as interferons and others, may be needed by both children and adults, but mainly in cases of critically reduced or impaired immunity. children's colds for their help - on the right I am doubtful. The level of delivery here is not justified by the power of inspiration from the norm.

The immune system of the important majority of sick little ones is healthy - it’s just “gaining life’s wisdom.” Therefore, up to 12 years, it is best to appreciate the prevalence of infections using natural methods - mono or mixed type, and not more than 2 times per day.