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Who is John Kennedy? John Kennedy short biography. The rest of life and death of John Kennedy

Kennedy John Fitzgerald (1917-1963), 35th President of the United States (1961-1963).

Born on May 29, 1917. in Brookline (Massachusetts) in one of the largest and most profitable families in the United States. Started at Harvard University and graduated in 1940.

In the spring of the next fate, he entered the service of the US Naval Forces and, with the rank of young lieutenant, commanded a torpedo boat in the Solomon Islands (near the Pacific Ocean, at the end of New Guinea); there were serious injuries and two rewards for the war.

After the end of the Other World War, he worked as a correspondent. Born in 1946 Kennedy went to Congress for the Democratic Party ticket in Massachusetts. Having established himself as a liberal politician, he was one of the first to support the development of the “Cold War” among the current politicians.

Born in 1952 Kennedy was taken from the Senate. In Sichna 1960 r. He nominated himself for the presidency and won the election, becoming the youngest president in US history.

Kennedy launched a program of social and economic reforms. It was not possible to implement it entirely. New has expanded the range of both peaceful and military methods to protect the interests of the region in the global confrontation with the USSR. The powers of the “third world” were given special respect. Birch born 1961 The “Corps of Light” was created for the work of American volunteers in developing countries.

During the time of the Berlin (1961) and Cuban (1962) crises, when the two superpowers stood on the verge of nuclear war, the world was able to save much of Kennedy's brilliant political gift. 3 spring 1963 The president increasingly spoke out for peaceful cooperation with the USSR.

On November 22, 1963, during an election campaign trip to Dallas (Texas), Kennedy was fatally wounded by two gunshots to the head from a sniper rifle. The assassination of the president is officially respected, we will expose it, for the right reasons and the organizers of the crime is still unknown.

Congratulations to Kennedy at the Arlington National Park near Washington.

John Kennedy's short biography of the 35th President of the United States is included in this article.

John Kennedy biography briefly

John Kennedy's reign – 1961 – 1963

John Fitzgerald Kennedy born May 29, 1917 in Brookline's rich, Irish homeland. My father got involved in politics and became a close friend of the famous political figure Franklin Roosevelt.

John, having gained some exposure, started at Harvard, and then spent some time in London, gaining knowledge of the current European style of politics. At the Rocks of Another World War, Kennedy did not forget to succumb to Fatherlandism and in 1941 he joined the US Navy with the rank of lieutenant, taking part in battle matters.

In 1953, the family befriends Jacqueline Le Bouvier and becomes a Massachusetts senator. He begins to write books, three of which were published. For them, Kennedy was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Rock in 1957.

In the 1960 presidential elections in the United States, John Kennedy announced his candidacy for the post of president of the country in the name of the Democratic Party. With much success, he won the election, becoming the 35th and youngest president in US history. On June 20, 1961, Kennedy inaugurated the promotion. At the same time, new individuals came into the order: the president’s brother Robert, and also Vice President Lyndon Johnson.

In domestic policy, the President has set a course for stable economic growth in America. Take Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln by the butt, violating the rights of blacks. The current policy will try not only to address the already problematic position of the United States in the world, but also to improve America’s position before the USSR. Warto note that the Caribbean crisis falls on this year, as well as the invasion of the Vietnam War.

Date of birth: May 29, 1917
Place of People: Brookline, USA
Date of death: November 22, 1963
Place of death: Dallas, USA

John Fitzgerald Kennedy- American politician.

John Kennedy buv narodzheniy 29 May 1917 rock near Brookline. Vіn was another child of 9 from the rich family of a broker. Walking to Dexter school, the child often fell ill and almost died of scarlet fever. When I was born in 1922, my grandfather ran for governor of the state and took his children away from him at the road.

In 1927, my family moved to New York, and John began teaching at Riverdale Country School, beginning without much success.

In 1930, the family began to attend Catholic school, but after suffering from illness, they switched to home education. Unpretentiously ill at times, caught up in baseball, basketball and track and field.

In the 9th grade, I transferred to the private boarding school Choate Rosemary Hall, which also had a lot of illnesses and not much knowledge. In 1935, a family of teenagers went to study at Harvard University, but before their fate changed their minds and began to study at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Having contracted the disease there, he returned to the United States and began studying at Princeton University.

Having fallen ill for a long time, he lived in Arizona, and in 1936 he returned to Harvard. In 1937, the family spent the summer on the roads of Europe, spending a short time in Italy and Germany, where fascism arose and fell under the enemy. So I became immersed in politics and history. At Harvard, he became richer than all schools, so he quickly became a member of one of their clubs and began writing articles for the local newspaper.

When the Second World War began, John began writing his thesis on the topic of the Policy of Appeasement in Munich. They gave a verdict - it was written badly, but the thoughts were correct, and they published it as a book with the title Why England Slept.

Having graduated from Harvard University and becoming a bachelor, in 1941 he decided to continue his studies and submitted a document to the University, spending several months there, then moving on to Stanford University, and then That England was conquered before the war, the beginning had to end.

John tried to join the army, but through health problems he was relieved. So he went to the Washington Intelligence Directorate of the US Navy and got busy with the tedious work of training units.

In 1942, he became a member of the military-naval school, which began as officers at Chicago, learned to operate a boat, and in 1943 became the commander of one of the boats and took part in the battles in the Pacific Ocean against Japan. The Japanese rammed his boat, but John saw, turned home and was awarded the Order of the Purple Heart, the Navy Medal and the Marine Corps.

Having recovered again from a number of injuries, he remained in the hospital until the end of the war and was transferred to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant in 1945.

Nezabar became a journalist, but when he got crazy, he asked his dad, and got involved in politics with him for help. So he became a member of the US House of Representatives.

In 1947-1953 rr. he was Boston's representative in the US Democratic Congress, and in 1953. becoming a senator. In 1960, he ran for the post of President of the United States and won. In our election program, we said that we are pushing the country forward, giving the greatest support at the Pivnichny Gathering and becoming a promotional speaker.

Vin became the first Catholic president. In 1961, he took the oath of office, officially becoming the 35th President of the United States. In its own way, it has recruited refugees from the government by regularly holding chamber orchestras at its residence and the White House.

During his reign, GDP grew, inflation fell, the economy began to grow, as it had in 1962, and unemployment, which had been in short supply before, began to rise again. This was due to the fall in shares, so Kennedy lowered steel prices and lost the confidence of foreigners.

Having achieved lower prices, we sold containers with products. In 1963, we praised the law on reducing taxes from income and income taxes. The aim of the government was to assess Kennedy as not far away - nothing was expected in the employment sector of the population, there was no shortage of money.

In his own words, Kennedy stood up for equal rights for blacks, supported the ideas of Lincoln and collaborated with Martin Luther King. In the early 1963s, he praised the law on civil rights and the defense of segregation.

In 1963, the people praised the law on the introduction of the issue of ruble coins, replacing them with banknotes of 1 and 2 dollars. In fact, this law was tied to the Federal Reserve's monopoly on the issue of banknotes, which became the reason for the attack on the president.

At home, he created the US National Mystery Fund, painting the papers with the Radian Union, and thereby recognizing the Berlin and Caribbean crisis. In 1961, the people started the war with Vietnam, and immediately created the Peace Corps organization and the Union for Progress program for the development of countries in Latin America.

He also created the organization US Agency for international development. Having been the initiator of the Apollo and Navigation programs, having promoted Khrushchev with strong efforts to create policies for the Month, or else against it.

In 1963, the USSR and Great Britain signed an agreement on the testing and development of nuclear weapons.

At the fall of the leaves in 1963, the president was on a tour of the United States, and already 22 of the leaves were killed during the opening of the city of Dallas with two shots in the city. For the sake of the president, his companions were driving in a locked car, only to get tired of it.

Behind the official version, Kennedy killed Lee Harvey Oswald, who was shot dead within a couple of days. Dosi is lost to the unknown, who really killed the president.

John Kennedy's message:

The President of the United States, having earned a lot for the development of marriage at the planting
Untitled orders for military merit and medals for development of marriage
1957 Rock was awarded the Pulitzer Prize

Dates from the biography of John Kennedy:

May 29, 1917 rock - born at Brookline
1935 - graduated from high school and began to study at Harvard, the London School of Economics and Princeton University
1941 r_k – Bachelor of Science
1941-1943 fates - the fate of Another World
1947 rik – politician
1960 - President of the United States
22 leaf fall 1963 Roku - dying

Here are some facts from John Kennedy:

An infinite number of books have been written about Kennedy's death.
The main version is that Kennedy was killed by Radian special services, Oswald’s squad was Russian, and he himself visited Spiltsia more than once
He became friends with Jacqueline Kennedy, who after his death became friends with Aristotle Onassis, having four children, two of whom died in childhood.
Becoming America's Richest President
I have to go to the airport, university, aircraft carrier and space center

Kennedy was a veteran of the Other World War, having achieved the rank of lieutenant. He completed the entire campaign in the Solomon Islands, serving as the command of the torpedo boat PT-109. For his goodness, revealed during military operations, he was awarded the honor of the city.

John Kennedy emerges from his kitchen counter in Western Virginia, New York, where a meter away a boy is playing with a toy gun that looks realistic.

Vice President London Johnson, President John F. Kennedy and Special Presidential Envoy Dave Powers at the opening of the 1961 basketball season at Griffith Stadium, Washington, DC

After the end of the Second World War, the next president began his political career, serving in 1947 in elections from the state of Massachusetts to the US House of Representatives, serving until 1953. Then he became a Massachusetts senator and held office until 1960.

Left to right: Vice President Johnson, Arthur Schlesinger, Admiral Arleigh Burke, President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy marvel at the launch of the spacecraft into space with the first American on board on May 5, 1961

President Kennedy aboard the US Coast Guard yacht Manitou on September 26, 1962 at Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island.

In the 1961 presidential election, Democrat 43-year-old Kennedy narrowly defeated Republican Richard Nixon, thus becoming the only Catholic US president and the first president born in the 20th century.

President Kennedy brutalizes the people of Berlin, Germany, June 26, 1963

In Miami, Florida, after the official massacre of Cuban activists by President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy at the stadium, Mrs. Kennedy unofficially joined forces with their Their members were born on the 29th of 1962.

Kennedy's most recent presidency was marked by the Berlin crisis, the Caribbean crisis, the operation in the Captivity of the Pigs, space transfers between the USSR and the USA, which led to the beginning of the Apollo space program, as well as serious The blacks have rights.

President Kennedy with his children Caroline and John Young in the Oval Office of the White House on June 10, 1962

President Kennedy arrived in Massachusetts on May 11, 1963.

According to data from the World Bank, US GDP from 1960 to 1964. from 543 to 685 billion dollars, the average short-term GDP growth became 6%, the average short-term inflation became 1%.

A large group of photographers, including photographers from the White House, gathered around the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to document President Kennedy's signature on June 7, 1963.

President Kennedy and the Attorney General at the White House on June 3, 1962

Regardless of its success, Kennedy's presidency as a whole cannot be considered remote from the legislative sense. However, new allocations for the development of education and medical care for elderly people have not been withdrawn, and the minimum wage has increased slightly. Thus, the extension of the term of unemployment assistance payments in 1961-1962 left over 3 million unemployed people behind; The increase in the minimum annual wage (up to 1.15 dollars in 1961 and 1.25 dollars in 1963) affected more than 3.6 million of the 26.6 million low-wage workers.

President John F. Kennedy looks into the space capsule at the ceremony to present the NASA Lifetime Achievement Medal to astronaut Colonel John Glenn Jr. on Mission Canaveral, Florida, 23 December 1962.

Florida Senator George Smathers and President John F. Kennedy on Mission Canaveral for the presentation of the Saturn rocket, November 16, 1963

They adopted this order to combat unemployment - the 1961 law on assistance to depressed areas, the 1962 law on the retraining of retired workers, allocations for jobs, etc. — did not lead to significant destruction in the employment sector. Having gained growth in the short term (35 years) of working life.

President John F. Kennedy signs the Pay Equity Act, which prohibits wage discrimination among workers.

Mrs. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy the Younger at the End of 1962 in the Children's Room of the White House

Kennedy advocated for equality in the rights of blacks, taking the model of Abraham Lincoln, supporting Martin Luther King and meeting with him in Washington in 1963. President Kennedy introduced a civil rights bill to Congress on June 19, 1963, which would protect segregation in all urban areas.

President Kennedy speaking at University Stadium in Houston, Texas, June 12, 1962

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Li Radziwill's sister ride an elephant on an hour-long tour to India near Birch 1962

It is reported that Kennedy decided to end the Fed's monopoly on the penny stock, and this decision resulted in a vote against the president.

President John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office of the White House on June 11, 1963

Zustrich iz Khrushchovim, Viden, 4 chernya 1961

Kennedy advocated for the expansion of relations between the USA and the USSR, and his rule was also marked by great foreign political tensions.

On June 4, 1961, near Vidnya, near the Schönbrunn Palace, Kennedy's alliance with the Radian leader Khrushchev broke up. In addition, he urged Khrushchev to unite the Zusilla in preparation for the month of the month, and then gave up. Kennedy’s political commandment at the American University on June 10, 1963, was based on the call to “secure the light in our time, and the next” with the goal of “expanding understanding between the USSR and us.”

President Kennedy in Cork, Ireland, 28 June 1963

November 22, 1963 - President Kennedy storms out to the front of a hotel parking lot in Texas

For Kennedy, there was an increase in US support for the huge war in Vietnam; In 1961, the first regular units of the US Armed Forces were sent to Vietnam before the end of Vietnam ( until when did military soldiers serve there?). Until the end of 1963, the United States had spent 3 billion dollars on the war against Vietnam, while Vietnam had 16 thousand. US soldiers and officers.

Killing Kennedy

The first moments after John Kennedy was shot. A limousine carrying the mortally wounded president to a hospital in Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963

John Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963 in the city of Dallas (Texas); Just as the presidential motorcade was passing through the streets of the city, shots were heard. The first one hit the president in the back of the neck and came out of the front of the throat, hit another in the head and caused destruction of the skull in the lower part, as well as damage to the brain. President Kennedy was taken to the operating room, where he was pronounced dead within a few years of the swing.

President Kennedy's trumpet was taken from the US Air Force near Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. The mourners include Lawrence "Larry" O'Brien, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Dave Powers

Lee Harvey Oswald, arrested on suspicion of murder, was shot two days later in a police station by Dallas resident Jack Ruby, who also died in custody.

The official report of the Warren Commission about the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the assassination of Kennedy was published in 1964; It is clear that the assassin of the President was Oswald, and all the shots were cut off from the top of the building. What kind of name, how small was the killing, obviously, did not come to light.

On November 22, 1963, Lyndon Johnson took the oath of office aboard a U.S. Air Force aircraft after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas.

The body of President John F. Kennedy is found at the meeting hall of the White House. Order to stand pochesna varta, November 23, 1963

Official data is about to kill Kennedy and take revenge on a number of “white flames.” The drive behind this is based especially on a lot of different conspiracy theories: it is doubtful that Oswald fired at the car or that he was a single shooter. The connection between murder and various great positions of politics and business is being conveyed, and the evidence is being constantly removed.

A large number of social surveys conducted throughout the country have shown that at least 60% of the American population does not believe that Oswald killed the president and was alone.

Members of the family and others at the funeral procession of President John F. Kennedy in Washington on November 25, 1963. In the photo: Robert F. Kennedy, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Edward M. Kennedy, R. Sargent Shriver, Stephen E. Smith

A large number of objects, streets, schools, etc. are named after Kennedy in the USA. for example, international airport near New York).

John Kennedy is one of the most famous and popular US presidents. Yogo driving in 1963 became a true national tragedy for the entire American people.

There's still a lot of speculation about who was really the killer and what their motives were.

Osvita Kennedy

Kennedy's first school was Dexter, which started with only a few boys. It’s important that the only Catholics in her are his brother Joseph.

Due to the move, John's other initial investment became Riverdale Country, which achieved moderate success.

At the 13th century, he was sent to the Catholic “Canterbury School”, where he graduated from the 1st century.

During this period of Kennedy's biography, he sneered at his fathers for those who read his religion. As a result, before the 9th grade, John Pishov was already at the Choate Rosemary Hall boarding school.

Having grown up, you began to worry less about learning, as a result of which success gradually fell. Some investigators said that he had become an unimportant and disseminated scholar.

John himself called this school a school where it was necessary to obey the teachers and strictly adhere to the established rules.

Having reached middle school, in 1935 Kennedy, having entered Harvard University, went on to graduate from there. After this, the London School of Economics and Political Sciences began.

It’s nice that John Kennedy’s speaker was the economist and professor Harold Laski, who spoke positively about him.

Having reached his full age, the future president fell ill with the disease, and he had to return home from the London school.

Having recently entered Princeton University, he worked through a lot of hardships. There, Kennedy's health problems began again.

John finally had to go to the doctor's office, but the doctors were unable to diagnose him for a long time. The result revealed leukemia.

It’s great that Kennedy didn’t believe the doctors and asked them to re-diagnose him. As it turned out later, the doctors actually started making amends. John's biography has written extensively about this fact.

Born in 1936 Kennedy re-entered Harvard.

The 19-year-old youngster began to diligently study, read a lot and actively engage in sports. During the summer holidays, they crashed along the roads of Europe.

During the trip, John's father organized a meeting for his son with Pope Pius 12. Having returned from the cruise, he began to seriously study political science.

Here we need to know about another amazing story in Kennedy’s biography.

Lieutenant John F. Kennedy at the front dress, b. 1942

On the right is that those who graduated from the university broke out in another world war, heading towards the front.

However, after passing the medical examination, he was declared ineligible for military service.

Then he asked his dad to help him get to the front. As a result, he died in the lava of the American army.

Never having taken part in various military battles, he showed himself to be an extremely good soldier.

Having become a commander, he showed special courage when he captained the crew of a torpedo boat that had been shot.

Together with his service comrades, John Kennedy made a 5-year swim to the shore. In the face of such a flood, we were trying to support our wounded comrade.

Political biography

After the end of the war, Kennedy began working as a journalist. He firmly decided to dedicate his life to politics, which greatly pleased his father.

Born in 1946 in the elections before the Congress, and then re-elected for three terms afterwards.

Born in 1952 The politician gained victory over the Republican Henry Lodge and became a member of the Senate. After 6 years, he was suddenly re-elected as a senator.

President John Kennedy

In 1960, John Kennedy nominated himself as a Democratic candidate for the upcoming presidential election.

We note the fact that in his biography the first television debates in US history took place, in which his rival took part.

During the elections, 43-year-old Kennedy emerged as a victor, becoming the youngest head of state in the entire history of the United States.

It is a fact that the oldest president of the United States (70 years old at the time of his death), as well as the only president who did not embrace the powerful Chinese military post to the point of destruction.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Kennedy ended his first inauguration with the famous exhortation: “Think not about what the country can give you, but about what you can give it.”

During the hour of his presidency, Kennedy achieved great results, showing himself to be a reasonable and pragmatic politician.

He was able to sign the Treaty on the Suppression of Nuclear Testing, as well as initiate social and economic reforms in the country.

He also decided to change taxes for business, which was critically accepted by the conservative opposition in Congress.

Born in 1961 The president became the initiator of the creation of the "Corps of Light". This organization helped to bring awareness to the citizens of the “third world” region.

In this social program, many people have mastered the basic skills of the most demanding professions.

Recently, the “Union for Progress” program was launched, which coincides with the economic revival of the powers of Latin America.

John Kennedy advocated for the expansion of trade relations between the United States and the United States, although the Caribbean crisis itself became so-called, as it was reflected in the extremely tense political and military confrontation between the two superpowers.

And while Kennedy wanted to do everything possible to force a confrontation, not all members of Congress were encouraging him to do so.

Kennedy and Khrushchev at the meeting near Vidnya

Born in 1962 Kennedy got along with the Secretary General of the USSR. On this basis, the leaders managed to find plenty of food, and also avoid the beginning of a nuclear war, which the whole world was so afraid of.

For these other achievements, the young, handsome and energetic Kennedy gained great popularity among ordinary Americans, and his biography was considered ideal for a politician.

Special life

John Kennedy's team was Jacqueline Le Bouvier, whom we met in 1951. The stinks ended in Newport.

Kennedy and Jacqueline's squad

It’s great that the Pope gave the blessed leaf to the young people, wishing the couple a long and special union.

His love, Kennedy, fathered four children, two of whom died. Only Caroline and John were lost alive.

Soon Caroline became a doctor of law and a writer. John Jr. worked as a lawyer and journalist. 1999 rub. having died in a plane crash.

After all, John Kennedy gained popularity among women, delighting his squad more than once. He has romances with various actresses and political figures.

The press has talked more than once about those who were closely related to a famous actress and a singer.

Killing Kennedy

November 22, 1963 Kennedy's biography had a fatal twist. Together with her team, Jacqueline arrived in Dallas to meet with the voters.

When his motorcade passed the same street, he was mortally wounded by a sniper rifle.

For the rest of the time, the President was in an open limousine, making him an easy target for a sniper.

The story about those who were real killers of the president is no longer open to criticism. According to the official version, having shot Leah Harvey Oswald, he was immediately arrested.

The next day, after the darkening of the murderer of the murders of Jack Ruby, who had connections with the mafia.

After killing Kennedy, a numerical investigation was carried out. As a result, there was a lack of evidence that cast doubt on the very fact that Harvey Oswald was the murderer of Kennedy.

The motorcade with President Kennedy and his squad Jacqueline in Dallas a few minutes before the shooting

More than 50 years have passed since the assassination of President John Kennedy, and these mysteries, as before, continue to plague people.

John Kennedy died on the 22nd leaf fall in 1963 at the age of 46 years. He was given full honors, and nearly 200 thousand Americans came to see him off on his final journey.

Dozens of biographical books have been written and hundreds of broadcasts have been produced about John Kennedy and his death. No one has yet been able to discover the truth.

In view of the heroic image, the song of the cult of Kennedy, especially his speech, is periodically put up for auction. For example, in 2016. The auction included a love letter from the president addressed to Mary Meyer, the squad of the American intelligence officer.

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