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My healthy food! Nutrition menu. Healthy food

Every woman should be able to cook not only tasty, but also healthy food, because cooking is a great hobby that allows a woman to show maximum imagination when creating new unique dishes. The concept of "" should be present in the head of any person, if he decided to surprise family and friends with his culinary skills.

Healthy fruits and berries

Fruits, berries are tasty and healthy food. Once their assortment on our table was scanty, today their diversity does not surprise anyone. Only lazy does not speak about their usefulness. But nutritionists emit from them the most useful. On the latter, according to some ratings, below.


Their caloric content is 40 ... 50 kcal; An average-sized apple will add 75 kcal to your body.

Fruit, albeit “bored”, but as a useful food, will give odds to many exotic. There is a lot of iron in it, because apples must be constantly on the menu of children, teenagers, pregnant women. Flavonoids contained in them - significantly reduce the likelihood of asthma, diabetes.


Fruit from very high-calorie - 160 kcal. Avocado medium size contains 230 kcal.

In avocado there is folic acid, a lot of vitamin E. Fruit is a healthy food for a person; its main value is in monounsaturated acids, which help the body fight cholesterol. And, as a result, you will have young and healthy heart and vessels until old age.


The fruit is caloric in 80 kcal, and in general there are about twice as many bananas (160 kcal).

Bananas from champions in potassium, vitamin B6, folic acid. They bring in the body fiber, which helps the intestines work normally. Thanks to the potassium present, you eat bananas and you will feel strength and vigor in you, your blood pressure will normalize and your muscles will become more reliable.


The berry, though low-calorie (40 kcal), is a healthy food, as it is invaluable with the content of antioxidants that help the body not to age any longer. Consuming blueberries, you almost completely eliminate the possibility of falling ill with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's.


The calorie cherry slightly overtakes blueberries - 55 kcal. But, like her, the berry is rich in antioxidants; although the latter are anthocyanins, affecting any inflammation in the body. Eating cherries, you saturate yourself with potassium, vitamins C and A.


Once this low-calorie (20 ... 30 kcal) berry could be seen more often in the pictures. Now, if desired, it can be eaten daily. And with great benefit - cranberries, as a very healthy food, have long been reputed to be a miracle cure for the health of the peoples living in the North. Of its most beneficial properties, the berry helps fight infections in the body, especially in the urinary tract, does not allow kidney stones to form.


The calorie level of berries (70 ... 80 kcal) is average. Eating grapes brings antioxidants and manganese to your body. Berries - a useful food for weight loss, because they do not get fat, help the body to process fatty foods.

Healthy vegetables

Vegetables are attributed a beneficial effect on the human body. They have enough calories, they are easily absorbed by the body, they have a lot of useful substances.


These vegetables are real champions of nutrients in food - especially in protein and amino acids, because they can replace even meat in their diets. Beans have a lot of molybdenum, which is valuable in its ability to help the body cope with dangerous preservatives. Vegetable helps reduce cholesterol, sugar levels.


The usefulness of eggplant was spoken about 4 thousand years ago in India, from where the vegetable “got” to our latitudes. There are few calories in it, but the vegetable is rich in fiber, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium. Anthocyanin, an antioxidant included in eggplant, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. By consuming it, you save yourself from the possible dementia in age, from a stroke.


This vegetable has long been known as a storehouse of carotene and can saturate your body with vitamin A. In addition, it contains almost all the other vitamins and many trace elements. The latter are represented by iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iodine, phosphorus. There are carrots and minerals.

Cooking healthy food with carrots allows you to saturate the body with antioxidants, maintain a decent level of the immune system and metabolism. Thanks to this vegetable, slags and toxins are quickly removed from the blood, and the likelihood of eye damage to cataracts and glaucoma is reduced.


Most often we eat onions, adding to some dishes. But he himself is very useful for the body - it contains vitamins (C, B, A), magnesium, fluorine, sulfur, iron. Getting inside the body contributes to the destruction of bacteria and viruses. Helps to protect against infection during periods of infection.


This vegetable is a natural antibiotic, an excellent disinfectant. Well sanitizes the mouth. Helps digestion, protects against gastritis, stomach ulcers.

Healthy meat

This product helps people maintain activity. Therefore, he must be in their diet. Meat is divided into red and white.

Red meat: this includes pork, beef, lamb.

Pork from the most high-calorie (489 kcal) and fat types of red meat. In order not to harm your health, it is better to stop when buying on pork tenderloin and scapula. From this meat it is better to refuse at all if you suffer from eczema (it is saturated with fatty acids). If you have high cholesterol or atherosclerosis, then pork fat is contraindicated to you.

Beef has a high iron content. Therefore, it is useful for those who have iron deficiency anemia. It is worth buying the meat "younger"; old beef is contraindicated for children, the elderly.

Lamb is poor in cholesterol, because more useful than other types of red meat. In addition, it is a fluoride fluoride beneficial for the pancreas. Children, for cooking the right and healthy food, it is better to buy the meat of young sheep.

White meat: this kind of food is represented by rabbit, veal, poultry. It, according to nutritionists, is more useful than red meat, since it is dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to the body. They make the most healthy dishes from it, which is confirmed by the statistics - people who eat mostly white meat, 10% less suffer from diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels.

Wholesome Eggs

Eggs are a product that many countrymen are used to. Partly because of its relatively lower price than meat. Mostly eat chicken eggs and quail.

Chicken eggs: sold in different sizes and colors. The latter is not a sign of differences in nutritional properties - they are the same for this characteristic.

The egg, which can be individually useful food for every day, is represented by protein and yolk. In the first protein only one tenth, the rest is water. In the second, a lot of cholesterol and fat. In the total mass of the egg 56% protein, 32% yolk, 12% shell.

Vitamins in chicken eggs are represented by 12 species. Especially it is allocated with the content of choline - this amount is no longer in any other product. Fats are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that do not carry obesity to the body.

Eating eggs, you can raise your mood, overcome fatigue, normalize the function of the liver, gallbladder. They will also help you not to get sick with oncology, to avoid cardiovascular problems. Eggs will also save your nails, bones, hair.

Quail eggs are few, but more healthy chicken and are considered by dietitians a useful dietary food. They have more vitamins B and 2 times D and A and less cholesterol. They are completely safe in causing allergic reactions.

Useful fish

This product is among the most revered and consumed on the planet. Its main value is in high-quality protein, which the body absorbs completely, without spending too much energy. In addition to protein, fish are abundant in vitamins D, A and E, iodine, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and many other substances.

From fish, sea is more useful. It is in it that all its advantages are concentrated, and there are more useful things than in the river or pond (grown artificially). According to the value and availability of useful properties for eating fish, the experts arrange them in the following sequence:
- salmon (in the people - red fish): on the market they are represented by trout, salmon, chum, pink salmon;
- cod: the group is represented by hake, mintai, cod, burbot, navaga, cod; but in general is very numerous - up to hundreds of species;
- perch: here it comes down to pike perch and perch; the latter is better mined from the sea;
- Carp: contain all known carp, carp, crucian carp;
- pike, which is especially appreciated for stuffing;
- herring - herring and sardines honored by their compatriots.

Healthy seafood

Some types of product have been known in our country for a long time, but most of them became especially popular with compatriots relatively recently. Seafood is a simple and healthy food that allows a person to maintain their health. The best-known seafood is sea kale, which is called scientifically red algae. It has a lot of fiber; the plant is rich in zinc, vitamins and especially iodine.

Among other useful seafood can be identified mussels, oysters, shrimp, squid.

Healthy nuts

Nuts of the most satisfying foods wholesome nutrition. They need a handful to feel full. There are many different types of nuts:
- Brazilian: it has a lot of calories and fat, because the daily dose of such nuts a few pieces;
- peanuts: walnut has practically no effect on fat deposition, therefore it can be used without restrictions in quantity;
- pistachios: the love of these nuts is known from our distant ancestors; they help fight cholesterol, make a person more cheerful, relieve fatigue from him;
- hazelnuts: walnuts are similar to olive oil in terms of the amount of fats and nutrients; therefore, they are loved by confectioners;
- Almonds: a delicious nut; it is bitter and not bitter; the first may be the dangerous presence of hydrocyanic acid in it; the second is very useful because of the high content of various minerals, vitamins;
- cedar: these are the seeds of cedar pines; in Siberia, since long since they have treated many diseases;
- walnuts: this is the fattest of the nuts; exceeds the content of vitamins black currants and citrus fruits fifty times.

Healthy oil

Of the oils are the most beneficial vegetable. They, unlike animal oils, are safe for health. Make them from different plants, the names of which are called and vegetable oils themselves. Of the most lesser known oils, these are:
- camelina: make it from the seeds of the plant of the same name; to taste close to sesame;
- pumpkin oil: the oil from the most expensive, since from the seeds of one pumpkin it turns out very little; it is different in color when looking at it from above or from the side, at the light;
- sesame: made from sesame seeds, which are the oldest seasoning known;
- peanut: the most common vegetable oils used in many diets;
- mustard oil: better known to us as simple mustard;
- linseed oil: an oil that surpasses even fish oil in fatty acids;
- cedar: oil containing more proteins than in meat.

Healthy cereals and cereals

Kashi. All nutritionists say about their benefits. They are considered the most useful food, useful products for the human body. However, the best are those that are made from natural grains, and not from sachets.

Kashi - from the perfect breakfast for anyone. There are several reasons for this:
- porridges - the most convenient and accessible source of carbohydrates;
- cereals provide the body with sufficient energy and strength for its normal operation.

Despite the benefits of all cereals, nutritionists distribute them in the following order:
- buckwheat: the main favorite in the line of cereals;
- oatmeal: the usual for breakfast in England, porridge was loved by the Russians;
- rice: this option is the best for any problems with the digestive tract;
- manna: we get to know her in early childhood; but we should not forget about it later;
- millet: porridge, which differs sharply from others in some hardness of cereals; porridge that diversifies your menu.

Do not accustom yourself to the monotony in the diet. The best option for the body - every morning (lunch, dinner), another porridge. It is preferable to buy cereals in ordinary, for example, paper, packaging. It definitely will not add to your food something from the fumes of plastic or other material. It is the paper that ensures both safety and full usefulness and safety of the cereals.

Healthy dairy products

We get acquainted with milk right from birth. This alone speaks of the utility of dairy products laid down by the very nature. They contain a lot of calcium, vitamins A, B12 and D, protein, potassium, niacin, iron, iodine, lactose, phosphorus. Thanks to them dairy products:
- strengthen the bones of the skeleton, protect against the development of osteoporosis;
- strengthen the immune defense, promote good eyesight, excellent skin condition;
- help the body to properly form body tissues, red blood cells;
- participate in the formation of the right balance between blood pressure and the amount of fluid in the body;
- participate in the processes associated with the normal consumption of sugar, fatty acids;
- support the function of enzymes;
- affect the trouble-free functioning of the nervous system;
- reduces the risk of getting serious problems with the heart, with blood vessels.

From a large list of dairy products, nutritionists advise more often to indulge themselves: ryazhenka, cream, ice cream, butter, cheese, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheeses, processed cheeses. In this case, you should choose foods with less fat, take into account your needs and objectives.

Recipes tasty and healthy food

For men

Potency of the main problems of men's health. To be in shape, you can use, for example:
- Stuffed cucumbers, in which stuffing is made from salmon and herring;
- rice salad with colorful vegetables;
- onion soup, in which croutons are added;
- spaghetti served with seafood;
- hot chocolate.

For women

To be healthy, beautiful, fun, a woman needs to eat a varied meal. It is best to pamper yourself with sea fish, olive oil, carrots, cabbage, legumes, linseed oil, water, milk, cheese, beetroot, oatmeal, dates, cranberries, sauerkraut, avocado, citrus.

For pregnant

Bearing babies is a huge responsibility! And in order for him to appear healthy, and the woman herself has not lost her health, one should, in honesty, follow certain rules of nutrition. One of them - there are only the "right" products:
- healthy food during pregnancy - vegetables, fruits: carrots, sweet peppers, spinach, tomatoes, bananas, apples;
- cereals: brown rice, oatmeal;
- protein products: natural yogurt, hard cheese, sea fish, eggs, lean meat, tofu.

For the body

There are many products that benefit your body. The most useful are nuts that can even quench hunger in small quantities and supply the necessary vitamins and substances.

Among the fruits of leadership in apples. Despite the abundance of different, exotic representatives, they remain for us the best option to supply the body with the necessary substances. In this list, a good option for healthy food are: avocados, bananas, apricots, kiwi, pomegranates.

A good food for the body will be a fish. Any, but sea has some advantages over river underwater inhabitants. Well, without cereals, the most useful food option is generally difficult to imagine. All porridges belong to the lean, wholesome food, but the best are: buckwheat, rice, porridge, millet.

For liver

This body is not only amazing, but also very necessary in our body. It is the liver that protects our health and does not prevent toxic and harmful substances from entering the body along with food. But working, and she suffers. But helping her recover, gaining her natural strength helps. The one that is “pleasant” to such a body.

To make your liver feel good, eat fish and seafood more often. From meat, if you really want it, better buy a turkey or chicken. The liver will be grateful to you if you indulge yourself with the most useful food for it: dairy products, eggs, vegetables (especially cabbage), greens, fruits, cereals. And oils, preparing food, it is better to use vegetable.

For intestines, stomach

Products that do not deliver intestinal problems a lot. For example, he will be grateful to you for fruit, fruit salads, seasoned with vegetable oil. Good for its normal operation dairy products, a variety of cereals, fish dishes.

Proper nutrition

In order for food to be not only tasty and nutritious, but also useful, you must follow simple rules that will help to prepare true culinary masterpieces and at the same time preserve their beneficial properties for the organism. One of the important components of everyday meals are vitamins, which tend to break down during the cooking process, which is why an experienced housewife needs to know how to preserve both the taste and the healthy properties of a particular dish. So, it is better to bake fish, chicken and vegetables in the oven or cook in a double boiler, and not to fry or cook.

In addition, when frying the above products, the breakdown of beneficial microelements and vitamins occurs under the influence of high temperatures, for example, the temperature of the oven sometimes reaches 250 degrees, which entails the formation of carcinogenic elements harmful to the body. Also, when frying, special attention should be paid to the choice of oil, because in the choice it is more preferable to use vegetable oil, which is better able to withstand elevated temperatures. For example, olive oil is not recommended to be heated, otherwise it will destroy the polyphenols and vitamin E, which strengthen the work of the heart muscle.

Proper diet

If you want to go on a diet, it is important to understand that the diet should be kept in its quantities, but in no case should we rule out the intake of essential trace elements and vitamins in the body.

Spinach dip and pitta chips

Cut pita into 12 equal parts, season with garam masala spice, sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Dip the pita bread into the prepared mixture and put it on a baking sheet. Bake for twelve minutes until the chips turn golden.

Dip is prepared as follows: Combine 100 g of spinach in a blender with a tablespoon of mayonnaise, cream and lemon juice; and also with two small bulbs and a bunch of fresh greens.

Baked pepper dip + tortilla with seeds

Mix two tablespoons of the seeds with one egg white, salt and chili pepper. Dip the pita bread into the prepared mixture and place it on a baking sheet. Dry for a quarter of an hour, and then break it into several portions and serve on the table.

For a dip, bake three Bulgarian peppers in the oven, then put them in a blender, add 50 g of parmesan, 100 g of feta, a handful of dried almonds, a tablespoon of vinegar and a clove of garlic, beat until smooth.

Spicy carrot dip + potato chips

Thinly cut three potatoes, spread on a baking sheet and sprinkle with olive oil. Put in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

To make a carrot dip, stew carrots in vegetable oil for 20 minutes, then place it in a blender, add a cup of Greek yogurt, a pinch of curry, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of jira. Beat until smooth.

Warm salad with spinach and chicken sausages

Heat a frying pan over medium heat and put sausages pre-cut into slices on it and fry them until golden brown, and then reduce the heat and add two slices of crushed garlic and a quarter of a teaspoon of ground pepper. Mix and add a can of canned beans (preferably white) and a quarter cup of chopped dried tomatoes. Let it sit for a couple of minutes over moderate heat, then add 50 g of chopped spinach and mix again. Constantly stirring, add another 100 g of spinach and turn off the heat. Arrange on four plates in equal portions, sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with rosemary. Serve warm.

Sweet tofu with fried rice

Prepare one pack of frozen vegetables and place them in a preheated pan. Cook for four minutes, then add 1, 5 cups of grated raw carrots and a cup of green beans, and cook the whole place on medium heat for another four minutes to completely evaporate the liquid from the pan.

Cook rice as per instructions. To make tofu in a bowl, combine a tablespoon of soy sauce, honey and ginger, and 300 g of tofu cut into cubes. Combine the resulting sauce with ready-made rice and stewed vegetables, and then cook for a minute over high heat. After adding tofu and a jar of chopped pineapples (without liquid), and after a minute turn off the heat. When serving, sprinkle with sesame oil.

Toast with ham, egg and beans

400 g of frozen beans to cook over high heat for 10 minutes, then set aside the pan to the side and add a teaspoon of vinegar, a quarter cup of chopped nuts and salt to the beans. Separately, put slices of bread on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven for one minute. Remove from the oven and put two slices of ham and a slice of cheese on each slice, and then put it back in the oven to melt the cheese.

Separately, make a side of four eggs, put each on a half-cooked sandwich, and season with pesto. Arrange on plates with the finished beans and serve on the table in the form of heat.

Chicken Quesadilla with Salad

To prepare the salad, combine five cups of arugula, juice of half a lemon, a spoonful of olive oil, as well as salt and pepper according to preferences.

To cook a quesadilla, put 2 tortillas on a preheated frying pan, on top of a chanty, 150 g of chicken, slices of cheese and then 2 more tortillas. Tortilla fry on both sides, and then cut the finished quesadilla into four equal parts. Serve with salad.

Shrimp with Orzo Shrimp

1.5 cups of small pasta boil for 8 minutes. Heat the frying pan, pour a tablespoon of olive oil into it, add 2 cloves of crushed garlic and cook for two minutes. Then pour a quarter cup of wine and let it evaporate for a minute, add 300 g of small tomatoes, half a teaspoon of oregano and cook for another three minutes. Then add 250 g of shrimp, 16 large olives, and after a couple of minutes, pepper and add the paste. Arrange on four plates, sprinkle feta cheese and chopped mint on top.

Such dishes are ideally combined with the concept of "", and also help to eliminate those extra pounds, driving fat from the problem areas of your figure. In addition, thanks to this diet, the body receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements to continue its normal work.

Healthy foods

Hello everyone, dear friends! ?

As you may have guessed, today my inquiring mind found a new topic for discussion. Not so long ago, we got acquainted with the benefits of proper nutrition, revealed what the daily diet should be, we decided on alternative food options that replace harmful foods.

The first step was undoubtedly successful. However, visitors to our blog, which is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, still have topical issues on this topic.

What is the list of foods with proper nutrition? What are the most effective recommendations in making the menu? Is there an optimal combination of healthy products? What kind of food can not do without changing your diet?

Welcome to the web resource guys, where you will learn all about healthy food! I offer no more time to delay and begin our gastronomic research. ?

Top 10 recommendations of nutritionists: combining products correctly

Friends, I want to remind you that you can learn more about proper nutrition in this article. Today, I traditionally begin with the advice of nutritionists and skilled workers in the field of medicine. In my opinion, in order to begin to identify the main products that are "included" in our daily diet, you should get acquainted with the opinion of experts in advance.

This approach is the safest for our health, because the recommendations of professionals become a stronghold of research.

I present to your attention top 10 rules, without which we can not achieve the desired result:

  1. You can not combine food with a high content of carbohydrates and "sour" products - the gastrointestinal system is difficult to cope with the digestion of such food at the same time.
  2. Proteins and fats are a guarantee of slow digestion of foods by the digestive tract. We do not want this speed to be the cause of the appearance of an extra centimeter at the waist?
  3. Carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed with a small amount of proteins - the joint intake of such food becomes the reason for the decrease in gastric juice.
  4. Dairy products with protein food to eat at the same time is also not recommended - the emergence of the processes of decay and fermentation in the digestive tract.
  5. Separate proteins by type, because they produce completely different enzymes - rationalize your diet.
  6. Eating meat is better with greens and vegetables - the rapid absorption of food by the gastrointestinal system.
  7. If you want to lose weight, then give up pasta and black bread - in the absence of a goal to lose those extra pounds, you can’t eat such food at the same time, because it slows down the metabolic process in our body.
  8. Eat watermelon without everything - this berry is not combined with any product.
  9. Milk can not be combined with fruit - the right method to have a negative impact on the work of the digestive tract.
  10. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or peptic ulcers, then in advance of the transition to proper nutrition, be sure to consult with a specialist.

The rules are pretty simple, guys, so remembering them will not be difficult for you. ? The main thing is not to forget that only an integrated approach is a guarantee of a successful result. Carefully read the 10 recommendations of experts and try to strictly follow each of them.

If you have visited the site for the first time: “You should definitely check out the list of gastronomic products that should be excluded from the daily diet in this articleposted on our blog. Especially for you, we identified 15 categories of products that have a negative effect on the body. ”

Food Classification: Food List with Proper Nutrition

Friends, regardless of whether you want to switch to proper nutrition for weight gain or for weight loss - all products are classified into 5 main categories:

Speaking of fruits, there is one rare exotic fruit in our area - the mangosteen is called. It contains a RECORD amount of nutrients that stimulate active fat loss and reduce weight. The guys from LadySecrets have collected interesting success stories, we recommend

Now we know 5 categories of products that will form the basis of our daily diet. I suggest not to dwell on this and reveal the most useful food for our organisms. Let's get started. ?

Be sure to read, dear subscribers: “I have not put into a separate category products that negatively affect our body. This includes not only food, but also alcohol, tobacco. Remember that adhering to proper nutrition means to lead a healthy lifestyle, therefore drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes should be a priori excluded. ”

Top 10 healthy foods: proper nutrition as a method of improving health

Proper nutrition is a great way to not only get rid of extra pounds and lose weight, but also to improve your health, normalizing the work of life processes. Guys, I suggest to get acquainted with the products that have a beneficial effect on certain parts of the body:

  1. Hair   - vegetables with dark shades, beans and fish from the "salmon" family.
  2. Brain   - tuna, salmon and walnuts.
  3. Eyes and eyesight   - Corn, egg yolks and carrots.
  4. A heart   - ripe tomatoes, baked or boiled potatoes, plums and juice made from them.
  5. The cardiovascular system   - green tea, dark-colored vegetables.
  6. Muscle structures   - bananas, meat, fish, eggs and tofu.
  7. Lungs   - Broccoli, as well as Brussels sprout and Chinese cabbage.
  8. GIT   - prunes and dairy products containing bifidus bacteria.
  9. Bone Skeleton and Joints   - oranges, celery, milk and kefir.
  10. Leather   - blueberries, salmon.

For clarity, below is an image that I found on the Internet. ?

Thus, knowing the above information, you can influence with the help of products on certain parts of your body.

Friends, food is also used as a prevention of existing diseases, preventing their exacerbation. Be sure to add this list to your bookmarks - a unique and systematic material that is not presented on the Internet.

An integral part of proper nutrition: “Guys, drink the usual without gas throughout the day. Dehydration is the surest way to weaken the immune system and the emergence of new diseases. ”

The number of dishes and their taste characteristics will create the feeling that you can eat everything and there are no gastronomic restrictions at all. The main thing - connect the imagination in the process of cooking from healthy products.

Now, about nutrition, dear friends, you know absolutely everything, it remains only to make rational use of information and gradually change your daily diet. If you still have questions that we can answer, be sure to ask them in the comments.

Once again: Our friends from LadySecrets have collected interesting success stories, we recommend

Very soon we will meet again on the web pages of our blog. Good luck to you!

Everyone knows that healthy food is a guarantee of good health. But does everyone adhere to the diet of proper nutrition? But this is very important. It is no secret that the state of our body depends on the quality of food consumed. Harmful food leads to premature   aging, a number of chronic diseases and weakened immunity. At the same time, healthy products contribute to the rejuvenation and healing of the body. So which of them should pay attention first?

1) Apples

No matter how trite, but apples are the brightest representatives   healthy food. In Germany, there is even a saying: "Eat an apple a day and leave all doctors without work." This fruit contains a rich set of important trace elements and vitamins. Daily consumption of apples will not only enhance immunity, but also facilitate the work of the cardiovascular system.

2) Strawberry

Did you know that strawberries contain more vitamin C than even in the most sour lemon? But this is only the beginning. Strawberry is not only a healthy product and healthy food, but also an unusually tasty berry, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory   action.

3) Carrots

Many doctors for its properties called carrots a pharmacy in miniature. This useful product contains a highly demanded vitamin A (beta-carotene) for any person, a number of trace elements and minerals. Carrots have a beneficial effect on skin condition, vision, and also have a positive effect on health   intestine. Be sure to add this miracle — a vegetable to your diet.

4) Bananas

It would seem that there can be something special in a banana? But do not rush to conclusions. No wonder this fruit has earned the reputation of one of the most useful products. One banana contains large amounts of magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, and many beneficial enzymes. Also this representative of healthy food strengthens the nervous system and saves from heartburn.

5) Garlic

Garlic is deadly afraid of all harmful bacteria and viruses. Potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, B, D, silicic, phosphoric and sulfuric acids, as well as phytoncides, extractives and essential oils are just a small part of the beneficial substances contained in this vegetable. Garlic is having antimicrobial, antitoxic, anthelmintic, pain reliever and wound healing   impact. To put it more briefly, a must-have element of healthy food.

6) Pepper

The diet of proper nutrition must include pepper. In addition to the multitude of vitamins (B1, B2, C and E), the fruits of pepper contain carotene and rutin, which have P - vitamin activity. These substances are actively used in medicine as a means to strengthen the blood capillaries. Do not forget about the hot pepper, which is also a characteristic representative of healthy food.

7) Fish

Eating fish only three times a week can reduce your risk of having a heart attack by as much as 50%. In its nutritional qualities, this product is not inferior to meat. The most useful is fish from cold seas. For example, salmon. Fish is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, which lower cholesterol and prevent some of the oncological diseases. Try to include fish instead of meat in your diet.

8) Honey

Honey is an extremely useful product. Many doctors strongly recommend completely replacing sugar with honey. The composition of this product includes many vitamins, trace elements, enzymes and organic acids. No wonder honey is very popular in folk and in traditional medicine. A few spoons of this natural wonder before bedtime will not only get rid of insomnia, but also provide you with energy the next day.

9) Green tea

This drink is considered one of the oldest on our planet. The beneficial properties of green tea were noticed over a thousand years ago. It is advisable to buy a product in bulk for self   welding. Green tea is a mandatory attribute of healthy food, as it is rich in natural antioxidants and vitamin C.

10) Milk

No wonder the diet of proper nutrition for all children should include milk. A large amount of calcium provides strong teeth and bones. Milk also contains essential amino acids, easily digestible fats, lactose, vitamins B, C, D, E, PP, as well as a variety of useful pigments and trace elements. Wholesome products would not be so if they did not include milk.

Let's talk about healthy food. What kind of food can be called useful? It has long been proven that improper nutrition provokes many diseases. But alas, mankind with persistence, worthy of a better application continues to put food experiments or simply refuse to think about what it eats. From the point of view of health care, wholesome food is fine, but the main thing is a well-designed diet, which includes all the components necessary to maintain in a healthy state all the functions of the human body. What nutrients the body needs in the first place?
Everyone knows that the body should receive in proper quantity proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And why should he get them?

Squirrels.   Needed every cell of the human body as a building material. In the process of metabolism, as you know, some cells are destroyed, others are respectively created. For the construction of cells that make up our muscles, internal organs, skin, nails, hair, you need protein. Protein consists of amino acids, nine of which are essential and enter the body only from protein products. It is believed that vegetable proteins do not contain all the essential amino acids, the body needs animal proteins. Vegetarians dispute this theory. Who is right, I personally still do not know.

Is healthy food products containing protein? Of course, yes. But here lies a certain trick. In order to fully assimilate protein, water is required; in addition, protein creates an acidic environment in the body and in order to restore the acid-base balance, it is necessary that proteins be accompanied by alkaline foods. These are vegetables and greens. In winter, they are certainly tasteless and expensive, but everyone can afford a cabbage salad with carrots or sauerkraut.

Healthy food number one: protein (meat, fish, chicken) + vegetables.

Carbohydrates. It is clear that this is the main source of energy for the body. From them we get up to 70% of calories. Carbohydrate food can be useful: vegetables, fruits, cereals, ie, fiber and pectins or harmful: simple carbohydrates: sugar, white loaf, cake. If the first need to eat and more, then try to avoid the second.

Healthy food number two: vegetables, whole grains, fruits.

Fat    They are part of all cells of the body and are stored in reserve in case of war, as an energy reserve. Sometimes they are postponed in larger than desired quantities. And this happens in the case of metabolic disorders caused by just the wrong diet.

Fats are poly-and monounsaturated fatty acids and fossolipids, of course, necessary for the body. Even a certain amount of cholesterol in saturated fats is also necessary. Fats are needed, for example, to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins. But if the fats, especially the saturated ones, are abused, the body can put out such reserves that it can hardly crawl through the door. And this is not the worst. Atherosclerosis 0 The main cause of cardiovascular disease occurs due to an excess of cholesterol in the blood.

Is the food good for fats?   Fatty fish and vegetable oil - yes, fatty meat, sour cream, butter in unlimited quantities - food is harmful and even dangerous.

Macro and trace elements or minerals. It’s probably wrong to call minerals food, because, strictly speaking, these elements are included in food mainly in micro doses. But the lack of minerals can categorically adversely affect health, as they are involved in the metabolism and regulation of acid-base and water-salt balance. I all know that magnesium and potassium are good for the heart, and calcium is good for bones, teeth, skin, nails, metabolism ... In general, the body definitely needs minerals and should not be neglected.

Vitamins. They play an enormous role in metabolism, and therefore in health and maintaining immunity. They are divided into fat-soluble, able to accumulate in the body and water-soluble, the excess of which is excreted by the body and which must necessarily come from food. Vitamin deficiencies can have an unpleasant effect on health. My personal opinion is that vitamins and minerals are easier to get from the box. Taking a good multivitamin complex is much better and safer than calculating how much and which vitamin is needed and can be obtained from such and such a product. Moreover, the amount of mineral and vitamins in food decreases with terrible speed.

Healthy food - is it the right proteins, carbohydrates and fats, minerals and vitamins?

In general, yes, but there may be options. The fact that mankind has thoroughly zagadilo planet, and manufacturers are trying to grow those same sources of protein, fat and carbohydrates more and faster, it is no secret to anyone. That is why fats proteins and carbohydrates from the store, the market, and from anywhere contain hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, salts of heavy metals. In general, any food today can be potentially dangerous and contain harmful substances.

How to protect yourself from harmful food?   You can have a garden and your own farm)))) But this, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone.

Therefore, in order to somehow make a healthy meal, at least harmless, there are a few simple rules:

Meat or poultry is better to use in boiled form.   Moreover, it is desirable to boil at least three times mercilessly poured the broth into the sewer.

Vegetables, especially greens, should be washed thoroughly. , and even better soak it in cool water. Often, harmful substances accumulate around the skin and seeds. Therefore, it is better to clean them. The bad news is that vitamins are often there too. For example, peeled potatoes have almost no nutritional value. And, of course, one can hardly expect to receive from vitamins and microelements from vegetables and fruits, especially in winter stores. Many people call such vitamins "chemistry", but in fact the "chemistry" of the more terrible vitamins is stored in our refrigerators.

Return the lost health. Naturopathy. Recipes, techniques and tips of traditional medicine Irina Ivanovna Chudaeva

Healthy food. What is she like?

Healthy food. What is she like?

Many of us know only that our food should consist of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and in fact there are also enzymes, acids and much more. They constitute the energy base of our food. Both the shortage and the excess of any of them violate this balance and may even be dangerous to health. In short, there are no fewer questions than answers.

In addition, our diet should be balanced, it should not contain harmful substances. And there are so many of them today: refined products, food additives, hydrogenated oils, various kinds of stabilizers, preservatives, fillers, flavors, colors, surrogates and raw water.

It is absolutely clear that if you eat properly and keep the circulatory system (arteries, veins, capillaries) clean, you can increase your life expectancy.

An unbalanced diet and irregular food intake may be accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue. An attempt to improve performance with caffeine, sweets and some other stimulants provide only a short-term improvement in condition, after which an even deeper energy decline usually occurs.

At the same time, the qualitative and quantitative combination of food for each person is individual and depends on the season, environmental conditions, the availability of certain products, personal preferences and, of course, on health status. Excessive food in animal protein and, accordingly, cholesterol, accelerates the development of atherosclerosis and some tumors (for example, cancer of the intestine and breast), and an excess of vegetable oil helps to reduce immunity. If there is an excess of carbohydrates in food, then obesity can develop - a disease of diseases with which obese diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and even cancer have a direct connection.

But the excessive restriction of food, especially protein, significantly increases the risk of mental depression, which also contributes to the development of diseases of aging. Here you need a sense of proportion. By the way, in keeping the sense of proportion the ancient Greeks saw the pledge of a healthy body and spirit.

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