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Ascaris organ system. Ascaris. Migratory stage of development of larvae

According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of our planet suffers from ascariasis. The disease occurs in both children and adults. Ascaris is not so easy to detect, because of its movement up the intestines. As a diagnosis, oohelmintoscopy is used to detect worm eggs in the feces.

What is human roundworm

Taking a magnifying glass in hand, it is possible to examine the mouth of the worm.

In all nematode worms, the mouth is surrounded by three lips. In the female, the tubes of the reproductive system can be seen through the thin skin. The live worm is very active.

The body of the worm is narrowed from the anterior and posterior ends. The cross section shows that the body is round. The skin consists of three layers. The first layer is the cuticle. The second is a layer of epithelial cells. The third layer is made up of muscles. All these three layers form the walls of the body, or in another way the skin-muscle sac. This musculocutaneous structure of the body allows the roundworm to move actively.

The internal structure of the roundworm

Ascaris organ systems

Consider the main organ systems of the worm, which have their own characteristics. Within the body are the digestive and reproductive systems.

Reproduction and development of human roundworm

Ascaris is a representative of geohelminths. In order for the larva to become a worm, it needs to get into the soil and then into the owner. Roundworms are dioecious worms. The female reproductive system is extremely productive. It is released from 200 thousand eggs per day. She has two ovaries and two uterus. The male has a long filiform testicle. After mating, he dies.

Helminth eggs enter the soil along with feces. A fertilized egg, getting into the ground, goes through several stages of development. It is surrounded by several layers of protection. The egg ripens in the soil. A suitable temperature range for this is 15-30̊ C. Eggs are most often found on unwashed vegetables and plants. The optimum humidity is not less than 8%.

Unlike an adult worm, the larva breathes oxygen. So with dirty hands, untreated vegetables and plants, as well as through unboiled water, the larva enters the human intestine. Gastric juice or hydrochloric acid destroys the protective shell of the larva, it begins to develop and migrate through the organ systems. At this stage, the larva needs oxygen from the lungs in order to become a sexually mature worm. And she finds him.

With its sharp end, it “drills” the walls of the intestinal epithelium and enters the blood vessels.

This is how the migratory path of roundworm begins through the human body to the lungs. With the bloodstream, it enters the chambers of the heart and reaches the human respiratory system. The roundworm larva is already in the human lungs. Traveling through the capillaries, the larvae reach the alveoli and stay there for two weeks. From there, they enter the pharynx and move with saliva to the stomach. Finally, the larva enters the small intestine, and lives there for about a year, if not treated. The process of the appearance of an adult worm takes 2-3 weeks.

What harm does Ascaris cause to the host's organs

Organ or organ system What is the harm of the worm Effects

The digestive organs. Liver

The worm damages the walls of the small intestine, is able to partially digest them. Due to the activity of the worm, blockage of the bile ducts is possible. Peritonitis, intestinal obstruction. Appendicitis, stomach pains. Vomiting. Stool inconsistency (diarrhea / constipation). Obstructive jaundice and purulent cholecystitis. Increased liver size.

The immune system

The waste products of the worm are toxic. Allergic rashes on the skin. Increased body temperature. Decreased protective function of the body. Weight loss and lack of appetite. Avitaminosis. Anemia.


nervous system

With a large accumulation of worms, various consequences arise. Symptoms such as headache, dizziness, restless sleep, seizures and hysterical seizures appear. Fast or sudden fatigue.
The cardiovascular system Ascaris was found even in the heart. Drop in blood pressure (hypotension)

Respiratory system

Worms are able to crawl into the respiratory organs. While in the lungs, the worm causes asthma attacks. Dry cough with bloody expectoration. In advanced cases, bronchial asthma occurs.
Organs of vision Build pressure on the eyeballs. Photophobia. Worms cause amblyopia and anisocoria, and other eye diseases.
Larvae are even found in the brain. They make changes there too. The cells in the brain are destroyed, causing meningoencephalitis. Loss of consciousness. Decreased hearing.

Observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not be lazy to process food and boil water, such rules will help to avoid infection with helminths, in particular ascariasis.

Ascaris human is a representative of roundworms. Belongs to the class of nematodes. It has a pale pink cylindrical body with pointed ends. The protective shell is made up of the cuticle with the epithelium that has lost its cellular structure under it. The length of the roundworm depends on its sex: males reach a maximum of 25 cm, while females grow up to 40 cm. They have a body cavity with internal organs. The structural features are in the presence of a division of the digestive system into 3 sections, which is not typical for worm-like divisions.

They cannot breathe in the traditional sense. Oxygen or alternative nutrients, depending on the habitat, are obtained through:

  • Body surface.
  • Anaerobic respiratory organs.

Also on the cut you can see the intestines of the roundworm with mitochondria in the epithelial cells. The sight is not pleasant, however, necessary for understanding how this worm lives, feeds and reproduces.

What do male roundworms look like? In the same way as females, only have a tubercle towards the peritoneum. The nervous system of the species is poorly developed. Reproduction in ascaris occurs only through mating. The genitals are:

  • The vagina, uterus, ovaries and ovipositor in females.
  • The vas deferens, testes and ejaculatory duct in males.

The human does not have suction cups, cilia or other attachment organs of the ascaris, it moves towards the food masses with the help of the cuticle, which acts as a flexible skeleton. Metabolic products are excreted through the pores in a protective membrane.

Ascaris in the human body does not appear immediately. First, the female must lay eggs, which, leaving the body with feces, will fall into a suitable environment for maturation (soil). Any climatic zone is suitable for this, with the exception of desert, semi-desert and arctic. In eggs, protected by a five-layer protein-lipid membrane, larvae form within 3-3.5 weeks at a soil temperature of 20-25 degrees. If conditions are less favorable, the initial stage of development of roundworm can be slowed down for many months - up to 7 years.


Once in the body, the larva can now easily shed the cocoon, which forms a three-layer protective protein-lipid membrane around it. To get out at the right time, she just needs to isolate a special enzyme and dissolve part of its walls.

They can serve as carriers:

  • Flies landing on food.
  • Unwashed hands, dirty fruits and vegetables.
  • Poorly washed dishes.

Having shed the egg shell, the larva of the human roundworm first enters the inferior vena cava through the intestines and strives to the heart, from which it quickly enters the lungs. Through heavy breathing and coughing, the young individual enters the saliva, with which it is swallowed again, after which it enters the intestines again. There, further development of roundworm takes place until puberty.

Stay in the gut

What are roundworms in the process of maturation? These are growing individuals, which, due to the peculiarities of their vital activity, first need to feed on blood serum containing enough oxygen. At the same time, immature larvae begin to secrete a toxic substance that is dangerous for the host's body and eats away the intestinal walls.

As the roundworm grows in the intestine, serum becomes insufficient. It is no longer an acceptable power source. Now oxygenated red blood cells are more suitable for this role. The young roundworm enters the bloodstream through the capillaries in the intestines. From there, as hunger intensifies, into the lungs. By the way, the age and vitality of free-living roundworms and nematodes can be traced precisely by the size, nature of movements and color.


Roundworms, like roundworms, differ from most representatives of their species by dioeciousness. As a result of mating, the female lays about 200-240 thousand eggs daily. The latter are gradually excreted in the feces and, after maturation in the soil, again enter the human body. The life cycle of the helminth is such that it does not have to be transmitted from one host to another - it can live in the body for up to a year, during which the larvae will spread throughout the body.

Diagnosis of the disease

Ascaris, a photo and video of which is abundant on the Internet, has, as a rule, large sizes typical for an adult and does not require a verbal description. Ascaris is only harmful in the blood. In this case, the main symptoms, depending on the degree of distribution and localization, can be:

  • weakness;
  • sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • abdominal pain;
  • headaches, shortness of breath.

In the typology of nematodes, one can find worms such as the equine roundworm. There are also veal and dog. There is even a porcine roundworm (a disease of pigs ascariasis). The latter, unlike other species, can just infect a person. This is due to the similarity of different types of ascaris in structure and how they are transmitted. If, upon examination and taking tests, the veterinarian found that the pigs were affected by helminthic infestation, they must be urgently treated, as well as increased requirements for the personal hygiene of the pig farm workers.

Diagnosis of ascariasis is carried out in several ways. One is used if the patient is coughing - sputum is needed for analysis. The second is done during a routine examination and taking feces for research, since roundworms come out in the form of sexually mature individuals and eggs. They are trying to detect as a result of laboratory research.

Treatment and preventive measures

However, before taking the medicine for ascaris, the patient will have to undergo special therapy. It includes several stages. This will help to remove the toxic results of the life of males and females, as well as roundworm larvae. The doctor will definitely check your weight. This is necessary to prescribe the correct dosage of a medicine containing antibodies to roundworm. Particularly distrustful individuals may even be shown a photo of ascariasis in a particularly severe form for persuasiveness.


The treatment necessary to get rid of helminths takes place in several stages:

  1. Prescribing medications with precise dosage by weight.
  2. Detoxification of the body.
  3. Taking pills.
  4. Repeated diagnostics.

For surgeons who know from experience what roundworms look like and what it is, it is also obvious that as a result of exchanging saliva or eating one apple together with an infected one, you can become a carrier yourself. And then both of you will need to take medicine. But the unwillingness to accept this fact - the presence of worms in a friend and at home - can only aggravate the situation. For example, a pregnant woman may not be able to timely overcome the reproduction of ascaris, as a result, the child will be born weak, allergic and will often suffer from bronchitis.

Remember, you should never neglect preventive examinations and annual tests.


It is impossible to catch the disease during the formation of eggs - synkarion - in horse roundworm. However, you need to wash your hands more often and not eat freshly plucked fruits, so as not to get other organisms that are already harmful to humans.

What can be the prevention of ascariasis? It's pretty simple. There are special medications, one tablet of which must be taken by a person every 6-12 months. They contain antibodies that prevent the appearance of worms, or even with ascariasis in the latent (initial) stage, they seriously inhibit their spread.


The researchers also hypothesize that getting rid of certain types of ascariasis pathogens, as well as getting them into the body, can cause serious harm to a person, increasing the likelihood of developing some form of allergy. The information has not yet been confirmed, but experiments are ongoing.

In terms of structure, roundworms have all the characteristic features.

Ascaris has a fusiform body, males are smaller and have a tail section bent to the ventral side. The male of the human roundworm is up to 20 cm long, the female is up to 35 cm.The diameter usually does not exceed 0.5 cm.

Roundworms are distinguished by the powerful development of the cuticle (10 layers), which performs a protective function against human digestive juices, mechanical damage, and plays the role of the external skeleton.

Ascariasis is common almost all over the world. In Japan, human excrement is often used as fertilizer, which contributes to the widespread spread of the disease among the population.

Life cycle of human roundworm

Adults live in the human small intestine. Roundworms are dioecious, fertilization is internal. The female produces more than 200,000 eggs per day, which are released outside the host's body.

The eggs are covered with four protective shells. The eggs and larvae in them are able to survive for a long time in extremely unfavorable conditions. However, the development of the larva in the egg occurs only at a temperature of about 25 ° C, with sufficient moisture and oxygen. In such conditions, after about the 15th day, the egg already contains a roundworm larva that can infect a person. Such an egg is called invasive. The larva in it looks like a small worm.

Human infection occurs through unwashed vegetables, dirty water, from flies and cockroaches that carry eggs on their paws.

When the roundworm egg enters the digestive tract of the host, the larva emerges from it in the intestine, which, with the help of its uncinate process, enters the blood vessels through the wall of the human intestine. With the blood flow, the larva must enter the lungs, since oxygen is needed for its development.

From the pulmonary vesicles, the larvae enter the bronchi, then into the mouth of the host, which again swallows them. The larvae find themselves in the intestines for the second time, but now they are already sufficiently developed and turn into adult ascaris individuals.

It takes about three months from infection with the egg to the formation of the sexually mature stage. After that, less than 100 days later, the worm begins to lay eggs. An adult ascaris lives in the human intestine for about a year.

Ascaris harm

Adult roundworms can cause intestinal blockage, damage, and indigestion.

The waste products of ascaris are poisonous, which leads to poisoning of the body, which manifests itself through hanging temperature, vomiting, heartbeat disorders, etc.

Ascaris larvae, migrating with the bloodstream, can damage internal organs (liver, pancreas), when the larvae pass through the walls of the lungs, blood may appear when coughing.

The introduction of ascaris larvae into the internal organs or intestines causes a disease - ascariasis. This is a fairly common ailment, of all types of helminthiasis, ascariasis is in second place in the number of cases.

The structure of the helminth

  • The presence of a body cavity filled with fluid;
  • Disexual individuals;
  • Periopharyngeal ring;
  • Longitudinal muscles and strong outer sheath.

Unlike other varieties, they do not have suckers, and they are retained in the intestine only with the help of this muscular apparatus.

The digestive system of the human roundworm consists of:

  • From the mouth opening with three lips;
  • Esophagus;
  • A digestive tube that ends in the anus.

The digestion of roundworms is very well developed.

The ganglion with fibers extending from it in different directions is the nervous system of the helminth. The fibers extending into the dorsal and abdominal parts of the body are better developed than others.

One of the features of the roundworm body is that the circulatory and respiratory systems are completely absent in it. Ascaris, as an anaerobic organism, does not need oxygen.

Ascaris reproductive system

This type of roundworm is dioecious: there is a male and a female, which differ in structure and size. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The structure of the female

The body of the female roundworm has its own structural features. A sexually mature female is much larger than a male, its length can reach 40‒45 centimeters, the thickness of the worm is up to 6‒7 millimeters. The body of the female has an elongated shape, at the end it is pointed in the form of a cone. In the upper third of the individual, closer to the head end, is the vulva. It is a ring that opens outward. Closer to the tail, in the posterior third of the female body, is the anus.

The female reproductive system consists of two tubes - this is a paired uterus, two ovaries, oviducts and a vagina, which, in turn, communicates with both uterus. The ascaris vagina is brought out into the abdominal cavity.

The roundworm larvae mature in the ovaries, after fertilization of the germ cells (oogonia). Then the fertilized egg moves to the uterus and matures further.

Male structure

The male helminth is almost half the size of the female. The maximum length is 25 cm, and the diameter is no more than 5‒6 mm. The structural features of the male roundworm are that the tail part of the body of the worm is bent in the form of a spiral, in the same third of the body there is an anal opening with tactile papillae around the anus.

How roundworm eggs are arranged

The female roundworm can contain 20-25 million fertilized eggs. She puts them away in parts, about 200-300 thousand per day. Together with feces, a person releases them into the environment, after which the eggs of the worms fall into the soil, and can stay in it for one to two weeks. During this period of time, they "mature", after which they are able to infect humans.

A fertilized egg is an oval or spherical formation with a protective shell that allows the larva to survive in environmental conditions for up to 4-5 years. Only direct sunlight, alcohols, kerosene, etc. can destroy the helminth egg in the soil.

Inside the egg, the larva gradually matures and forms, for this it takes from two to five weeks. The formed larva looks very similar to the adult, only several times smaller. As it grows and develops, the larva molts, sheds all the shells from itself one by one, and when fully matured, begins to move and has the ability to penetrate into the human body and continue its development and growth there.

A person becomes infected through products that have come into contact with the soil, water contaminated with worm eggs, through dirty hands, etc.

Infection occurs only when a mature egg has entered the host's body. The larvae in the human body can move easily, penetrate the walls of organs and intestines, and even into small blood vessels.

The blood flow carries the larvae throughout the body, thus migration of ascaris occurs, during which they can settle in the lungs, liver, kidneys, as well as in the brain and heart. The human roundworm feeds on the host's blood, or rather, red blood cells - erythrocytes, as well as blood serum. In the intestine, the helminth feeds on incoming nutrients, thereby disrupting their absorption.

When a human roundworm develops, the structure must be examined. The fact is that roundworms are invading ever larger territories. They can be found both at the bottom of the ocean and at the North Pole. What is the structure of one of the most dangerous pests?

Roundworms have a specific appearance. Their body tapers towards both ends; no members can be seen in the cross section. The cuticle covers the body from the outside, epithelial cells are located under it. The muscles that provide high mobility are located even deeper.

Ascaris can bend in various planes. The primary body cavity is formed by the skin-muscular sac. It is filled with fluid, which evenly distributes pressure to the walls of the body. The same liquid allows for the transfer of nutrients and the removal of waste decay products.

The mouth is located at the front end of the torso. Their hydroskeleton maintains a pressure level that prevents food from being swallowed. Their pharynx is formed by muscles that act as a pump. Food is pushed into the mouth opening, and then into the intestines, formed by the muscular walls.

The intestine looks like a straight tube, but it does not play a special role in the process of food digestion. The human roundworm looks like an inflated thickened thread. They need oxygen to maintain normal life. Gas exchange is carried out due to glycogen - organic matter. For the same reason, all debris and nutrients are carried by the primary cavity.

The excretion system in roundworm has a specific form. It is formed by 2 lateral channels, which end with discharge openings on the front. Harmful substances are excreted by the excretory system.

Roundworms do not have a nervous system as such. It is formed by nerve trunks that form annular bridges. It is from them that the path to the senses is paved. They are poorly developed. The bristles on the front are the organs of touch.

A person becomes infected with roundworm at the time of swallowing eggs along with food or untreated water.

Eggs can stay on the surface of dirty fruits and vegetables for a long time. Many people use excrement for fertilization, not following the banal rules of personal hygiene. A sexually mature female lays up to 200,000 eggs at a time.

Knowing the structure of the roundworm, you can direct all attention to preventing their subsequent development. When the first symptoms of helminthic invasion are detected, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. The sooner you pay attention to the problem, the more chances for a quick recovery of the body.

Human roundworm

Features of the structure of the human roundworm

The outer layer of the roundworm is made up of hypodermis - in structure it resembles epithelial cells, of which there are a significant number - ten layers, which play a protective role and prevent damage to the individual itself and digestion by intestinal enzymes. Under the hypodermis there is a layer of muscle fibers that allow the roundworm to move actively. Further under the muscle fibers is a cavity that is filled with fluid. This structure allows the worms to maintain a constant body shape and elasticity.

The excretory system of the roundworm is represented by two lateral canals that run along the body and correspond to the length of the roundworm body. Harmful undigested substances after the intestines enter the cavity filled with fluid, and then into these channels. Near the initial end of the roundworm body, the excretory openings open, which correspond to the excretory organs.

The nervous system of the human roundworm is represented by neural tubes that are located on the sides of the body, they have connecting elements. This is how the innervation of the sense organs and other internal organs passes. Sensory organs are very poorly developed - they are represented by bristles, which are organs of touch.

The species of human roundworm that cause ascariasis is Ascaris lumbricoides, there can be differences only in the length of the individual between males and females.

Life cycle of human roundworm

Ascaris has a very long life cycle, a feature of which is the change in the location of the individual in the human body. The route of infection with worms from the Nematode class is the fecal-oral route. The human roundworm belongs to geohelminths, because one of its development cycles is in the ground. Thus, the infection occurs during the ingestion of roundworm eggs. The infection routes can be as follows:

  1. dirty hands - children are at greater risk due to the fact that they constantly play in the sandbox and eggs can be stored under the nails;
  2. dirty unwashed vegetables and fruits - during ripening, eggs from the ground can fall on vegetables and berries;
  3. after animals that have ascaris eggs on their wool - they can be carriers;
  4. with unboiled water, which has ascaris eggs;
  5. poorly thermally processed food, which does not allow killing eggs or larvae of roundworm.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of human roundworm

Diagnosis should begin with a thorough history taking. Ascaris, being in the human body for a long time, contributes to the development of symptoms of intoxication, as well as dyspeptic disorders. Therefore, this disease will be accompanied by complaints of poor appetite, rumbling in the stomach, weight loss, nausea in the morning. When it comes to children, then it is clear that the child is thin, small, pale. The characteristic signs of ascariasis, like any other helminthiasis, are teeth grinding at night while sleeping. If such symptoms have been observed for at least the last few months, then you should think about helminthiasis.

If the larvae of the human roundworm enter the liver and lungs during migration, then nonspecific symptoms with impaired intrahepatic outflow of bile may occur. At the same time, an informative method for identifying the cause of this pathology is an ultrasound examination. On ultrasound in the liver, anechoic foci are determined, which have clear edges and a rounded shape. Also, such changes can be detected in the lungs, which makes it possible to suspect the presence of ascaris larvae.

Many of the helminths can cause similar symptoms, which also cause roundworms, so it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis. First of all, it is necessary to differentiate between ascariasis and bovine tapeworm.

Although the principles of treatment for different types of helminthiasis are similar, there are differences, so it is necessary to accurately differentiate the pathogen.

Treatment and prevention of invasion of human roundworm

Treatment of any helminthic invasion should be carried out only in combination with other means that prepare the gastrointestinal tract for dehilment. Therefore, you need to start with a diet that cleanses the intestines. It is necessary for the duration of treatment to completely limit sweet, flour foods. It is necessary to eat cereals and cooked vegetables, which stimulate intestinal motility. After that, it is advisable to conduct a course of ongoing therapy. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a single course with the use of laxatives. It is better to take herbal preparations with a piercing effect. These include "Senadexin" - a wearable remedy based on hay leaves - a plant with a laxative effect. After such a course of cleansing therapy, they switch to the treatment of the helminthic invasion itself. Anthelmintic drugs are used.

  1. Pirantel - is an antihelminthic drug that has an effect on human roundworm by depolarizing the membranes of muscle cells of worms, which contributes to the death of mature forms of roundworm. The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions. The dosage of the drug for children is 250 milligrams up to six years old, and over six years old - 500 milligrams. For adults in the treatment of ascaris, a dose of one gram is recommended, that is, four tablets at a time. Side effects from the digestive system are possible in the form of diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, as well as changes in nervous activity in the form of dizziness, drowsiness, increased excitability, paresthesia.
  2. Nourished Is an anthelmintic agent, the main active ingredient of which is albendazole. The mechanism of action of the drug is to disrupt the metabolism of ascaris cells. The advantage of this agent is that albendazole acts both on the intestinal form, that is, on an adult, and on larvae and eggs. The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets and suspensions. The dosage of the drug is one tablet at a dose of 400 milligrams once a day, the course of treatment is three days. Possible side effects of the drug in the form of drowsiness, dizziness, decreased performance, as well as dyspeptic symptoms.

Prevention of human roundworm infection can be specific and non-specific. Specific prophylaxis is the use of anthelmintic drugs, which are active against ascaris for a preventive purpose. To do this, you need to take anthelmintic drugs twice a year; for children, you can recommend half the doses of the medicinal ones. You can use any anthelmintic drugs - mebendazole, albendazole, Pirantel.

Non-specific prophylaxis should be used by all people, especially children should be monitored. Before eating, be sure to wash your hands, fruits and vegetables should also be washed before eating. As for water and food, for children better water do not drink raw, and give food to sufficient heat treatment. For good digestion and reducing the possibility of ascaris invasion, it is necessary proper nutrition, which increases local immunity and anthelmintic capabilities of the intestine.

Features of nematodes

External signs

The size of the helminth is from 20 to 45 cm. Males have an average body length of 15–20 cm, females reach 45 cm. Outside, the body of roundworms, like other roundworms, is covered with an impenetrable multilayer non-segmented shell. It has no cellular structure, it is called a protein cuticle. Under the membrane is a single layer of the epithelium and the longitudinal fibers of the muscle layer.

Internal structure


The outer protein envelope, the epithelial layer, and muscle fibers form the primary musculocutaneous sac filled with fluid under high pressure (more than atmospheric pressure). This makes it elastic, playing the role of a hydroskeleton. The cavity fluid provides the delivery of nutrients and the excretion of waste products of vital activity.

Due to the contraction of muscle fibers and the movement of fluid through the body, an active movement of roundworms occurs, reminiscent of serpentine bends.

Digestive system

The digestive system is represented by a through tube, in which three main sections are distinguished: the anterior, middle and posterior intestines.

On the body of ascaris in the neck area from the side of the belly, there is an excretory opening, the so-called cervical gland. Lateral longitudinal channels open into this hole, into which harmful substances enter from the cavity fluid.

Reproductive system

This type of worm reproduces sexually. Ascaris females and males look different and differ in sex characteristics. Therefore, they say that roundworms are dioecious worms. The female has a uterus and a vagina, two ovaries and an oviduct. The male has an apparatus for copulation, an ejaculation canal, a testis, a vas deferens. Fertilization in worms is internal, in the seminal receptacle.

The female lays over 240,000 eggs per day.

Nervous system

Directly at the pharynx of the worm there is a nerve node that performs the functions of the brain. Several longitudinal strands, connected by nerve bridges, depart from it.

Ascaris is characterized by sense organs. The worm has tactile and taste buds. Adult worms have light-sensitive organs that capture light beams, they look like microscopic eyes.

Respiratory system

The living conditions of ascaris in an oxygen-free environment have evolutionarily determined the absence of respiratory organs in it. From the abundance of food that is in the human intestines, the worm receives a huge amount of glycogen or starch, which is necessary for energy. The amount of starch is so great that it is about a third of the weight of the helminth. During its decay, a large proportion of the energy is released, which is necessary for the vital activity of the worms.

Circulatory system

Ascaris also lacks hematopoietic organs and vessels.

How long can ascaris reach?

Causes of ascariasis in children

It is quite difficult to determine that roundworms have appeared in your child's body in the early stages of the disease. And that ascariasis is a serious disease that can lead to irreversible consequences, it is not even necessary to say, therefore, the question of its treatment should arise as early as possible.

The fact is that any worms lay eggs at a certain time, outside of which it is almost impossible to determine their presence. A blood test is effective in this regard, which shows the presence of eosinophils in it as a percentage. If there are no other diseases, then an increase in the level of eosinophils indicates a foreign protein in the body, this is most often worms. In this case, special analyzes will be required.

Ascariasis symptoms

It is almost impossible to protect children from ascariasis if they play in the sand, come into contact with animals. Frequent hand washing reduces the risk of infection, but young children often put their hands in their mouths so that even the most meticulous parents can miss the moment when eggs enter the child's body. In addition, infection can occur through poorly washed fruits and vegetables, eggs can be carried by insects: flies, cockroaches.

As a result, the following symptoms appear one after another:

  • troubled sleep and teeth grinding in sleep;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • dry cough;
  • sometimes a rash on the body and fever.

Why is the treatment of ascariasis so important

Roundworms are a type of roundworm. Roundworms roundworm, getting into the human body, go through several stages of development. The larva enters the intestine by the above methods. There it is freed from the egg shell and adheres to its wall. The structure of the larva contributes to this: in front, it has a tooth-like formation. Once in the intestinal veins, the larva begins to migrate through the body.

Granny's garlic drives out those individuals who are currently directed to the anus. But sometimes it happens that ascaris "runs away" in the direction of the respiratory tract and can cause suffocation. Therefore, the treatment of ascariasis should be under the supervision of a physician. Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, St. John's wort, carrots are indispensable for the prevention of infection with worms.

Roundworms are of several types, not all of which are so dangerous to humans. The most common human roundworm, but there is also a pork roundworm, which in appearance and structure is very similar to a human, but cannot live in the human body, and horse roundworm. The human roundworm may well live in the body of an animal, so the likelihood of infection through the meat of a sick animal is quite high.

Children most often become infected from pets, which often do not need to get sick themselves: they carry ascaris eggs on their fur and paws, and children, upon contact with them, get them into the body.

Therefore, the hygiene of a dog or other pet is very important when it comes to families with small children. If ascariasis is nevertheless detected, take care to simultaneously treat the animals living in the house. Specialty medications are available at your veterinary pharmacy, but Piperazine, which is sold at a regular pharmacy, will also work.

The first preventive step is to identify the focus of infection. Since ascariasis reaches its peak in the summer and early autumn, in children's institutions, parents are forced to take a three-time elementary analysis of feces to identify eggs in it.

In the foci of ascariasis, intensive deworming is carried out, often the kindergartens are closed for quarantine. It is very important to treat all family members, even if they are not worried about the symptoms of ascariasis. Buy meat only in specialized stores, and during this period wash fruits and vegetables in running hot and then cold water. As for dogs and cats, try to dispose of their feces in time so that children do not come into contact with them. Teach your child to defend himself: wash his hands often, do not contact other people's pets - then they will not become infected with worms.